Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Jun 01 2007

The New Litmus Test: Immigration

We all have a new litmus test on the right, amongst conservatives. It is what side you chose on immigration – and it will define who is in and who is out in the GOP. And by defining who is in, it will define whether the GOP can create a governing coalition or become a […]

99 responses so far

Jun 01 2007

Noonan’s Nonsense

Peggy Noonan is now blaming Bush for the far right’s three years of attacking moderates and attacking Bush on issues ranging from Miers, to Dubai Ports (another grand example of nativism which cost us cargo container inspection machines across the globe – paid for by our allies in the UAE) and now immigration reform: President […]

98 responses so far

May 31 2007

WSJ On Immigration

Watch this from WSJ and see how much damage the far right has done in Immigration. I agree with the WSJ, the Reps are screwed now by losing on the issue and losing the Latino vote. Purity will be achieved and the end of conservative governing majority will the result.

100 responses so far

May 30 2007

Poor Judgement Is Not The Same As Patriotism

I watched Special Report with Brit Hume and it was great to see the Immigration Hypochondriacs running amok again. Laura Ingraham was especially sad, and helpful to Bush’s cause. So was Rush (I bet you I lose my top 13 listing over this one). When Bush points out how heated rhetoric (like the word ‘amnesty’ […]

97 responses so far

May 30 2007

Bush’s Sister Soldjah Moment On Immigration

Those on the far right of the immigration issue have lived on exaggeration and wild, unsubstantiated claims. The readers on this site who twist the need for a manageable and enforceable guest worker program into cries of amnesty and voting rights for immigrants are the classic example of a lack of any good argument being […]

43 responses so far

May 25 2007

Immigration Bill Rolls On

The Immigration Bill is rolling ahead in the Senate. By a vote of 66-29, senators rejected an amendment by Republican Party legislator David Vitter to eliminate a provision that offers legal status to most of the 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. … The Senate also narrowly rejected a proposal by Republican […]

159 responses so far

May 24 2007

America Ready For Immigration Reform

The hard right is self destructing on the immigration issue just as the Dems self destructed on the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Americans may not be happy with the current situation in either case. But they are not ready to surrender Iraq or punish those workers here in the US doing nothing more than […]

71 responses so far

May 24 2007

Immigration Bill Observation

On the immigration bill now being debated in the Senate I have this observation: so many people keep posting “why can’t I get what I want and nothing else?” – or variations on that theme. Why? Because this is a democracy. You will not get what you want because others want that aspect and we […]

22 responses so far

May 22 2007

Guest Worker Program Sustained

As I said, there is not enough opposition in the Senate (or the country for that matter) to derail the guest worker program for immigrant workers, as shown in the second key vote for the immigration bill: A comprehensive immigration bill survived a significant test on Tuesday as the Senate voted to keep a provision […]

15 responses so far

May 21 2007

Senate Defeat Of Immigration Bill Now Less Likely

In a classic briar patch move the opposition to the Immigration Bill in the Senate delayed the final votes until after Memorial Day. Someone must of have said “don’t delay this, we need to get this throug” and the opponents believed them. Interestingly enough, this will allow tempers to chill and those overreacting to cement […]

28 responses so far

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