Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Jan 17 2007

Savage Idiocy On MLK Day

Michael Savage is one of the biggest buffoons on the planet. So while I am testing the patience of my conservative readers on immigration, let me go ahead and point out what is absolutely wrong with elements of the political right – they are mean and ugly and unworthy of being included in the Reagan […]

12 responses so far

Jan 10 2007

English Only

I am for comprehensive immigration reform for reasons of seeing security a higher priority than over the top punishment. But there are obviously limits to what I will accept in America. Drudge is reporting on children kicked off their US School bus for speaking English. It is time to fire everyone involved and remind people […]

4 responses so far

Dec 26 2006

Will Bush Make Adjustments On Illegal Immigration?

Now that the Congressional Republicans have made themselves impotent on national issues by sacrificing progress to grasp onto politically unsustainable positions, the President is going to do what it takes to get major problems addressed. And while no solution is perfect, progress is a winning strategy over holding issues hostage. The big issue for the […]

63 responses so far

Nov 17 2006

GOP Could Be Mortally Wounded

I have beaten the immigration issues to death, and while the debate ranges in the comment sections, it seems the far right has no capacity for compromise or seeing the views of the rest of us. RCP has one really important editorial up regarding the situation for the GOP’s future. The hardliners who decided to […]

45 responses so far

Nov 16 2006

Now These Are Illegal Immigrants

The perfect example of what we need to focus on regarding foreign people here in our country is this story (again from Michelle’s site). This is what we need to stop. Not the family down the street trying to make living and raise a family. I am all for deporting this crowd (after some serious […]

14 responses so far

Nov 15 2006

Republicans Losing It

Update: Tony Blankley takes a stab at how to proceed as well. Let me say this about conservatism as I see it. It stands for the sanctity of life and the sanctity of this country. Everything else flows from there. Small government? Freedom to live your life. It is not enough to have life, we […]

88 responses so far

Nov 14 2006

Immigration Hardliners Threaten Moderates Again

The ‘Fence Only’ crowd, which helped bring about the Republican debacle, are at it again and threatening further damage to Reps if they don’t get their way. Just like Cleavon Little holding a gun to his own head in Blazing Saddles, they bring us this silliness: Now that Democrats are in control on Capitol Hill, […]

63 responses so far

Sep 30 2006

Deport Violent Illegal and Guest Aliens

As many know I am for the comprehensive bills on immigration reform. The naive idea held by much of the conservative chattering class that a fence will suffice only affirms the idea conservatives are not perfect. I am also for less strident punishments for those aliens who have come here, set up roots and been […]

30 responses so far

Jul 25 2006

Save The Minutemen – From Themselves

As many know I am not an “enforcement only” type when it comes to dealing with our illegal immigration issues. But since enforcement is a cornerstone of the comprehensive three pronged strategy I support (the other two prongs being a guest worker program and stonger requirements on employers) I am obvioulsy behind the strengthening of […]

4 responses so far

Jul 25 2006

Immigrants Laying It 0n The Line For America

While we debate the fate of immigrants we need to not get wrapped around the exception or the minority. America has Jeffrey Dahmer, but he is the antithesis of America, not a representative example. So too on the immigration front. There are people who have committed much worse crimes than working for a living without […]

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