Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Jun 22 2006

Utter GOP Failure

*** Update: A reader from the rightward fringe has commented on all the scary things that might happen if the country allows an expanded guest worker program (one already exists today, as I pointed out – there are just more working workers than positions allowed by Congress’ made up number right now). The fear of […]

29 responses so far

Jun 15 2006

More Polling On Immigration

And more proof that the far right is far off on the immigration topic: By 50%-33%, the survey shows, Americans support the views expressed by President Bush and also by businesses, Hispanics and Democratic leaders: that steps to strengthen border security should be combined with a guest-worker program for prospective immigrants and those who have […]

26 responses so far

Jun 15 2006

Immigration Solution – Again

The readers here reflect both sides of the immigration debate (the liberal way of full amnesty through immediate citizenship is not supported here).  I can see a coming together in the comments here as people finally give up on not budging and start working towards optimal (and yes comprehensive) solutions.  The following is a response […]

28 responses so far

Jun 15 2006

Repeat The Pete Wilson Debacle In ’06

David Broder points out the path the Republican hard line is on with their ‘make illegal workers felons’ nonsense.  He reminds us of the last time the Rightwing went obsessive and equated people who are trying to make a living and feed-house-raise a family to rapists, murderes and thieves.  The took the largest state in […]

16 responses so far

Jun 14 2006

National Security Over Mass Deportation

Deporting millions of illegal workers will waste law enforcement resources and put America at greater risk of missing a possible terrorist attack.  Case in point, the 55 illegal workers picked up at Dulles Airport, 12 minutes from my house and the notorious Herndon Day Worker Center. This is why Reps who draw out a comprehensive […]

27 responses so far

Jun 14 2006

Hastert Fiddles As Party Destructs

Well, one thing everyone agreed was that immigration had to be dealt with and not shelved. The hard liners who cannot tolerate MORE than beefed up border security in the House have decided to make a bad situation worse and ‘learn’ about the Senate Bill: Hopes for a quick compromise on immigration were dealt a […]

59 responses so far

Jun 12 2006

Hardline On Deportation Hurting Reps

One of my favorite Reps, JD Hayworth, may be in trouble this fall because of his unbending stance on immigration. If Democrats want to challenge reps, they should get off the scandal mongering (without proof to back it up, smearing someone’s good name is as bad as any corruption to most Americans). Instead, they should […]

5 responses so far

Jun 08 2006

Deport For Real Crimes

Reader JWM provided the example argument which could bring the conservative coalition back together on immigration and the law. Of course, the knee-jerk far right would need to stop emoting and be willing to compromise. I will not hold my breathe – just offer the obvious solution. JWM provided the following example of the dark […]

18 responses so far

Jun 07 2006

Laura Igraham; Math Ditz

Numbers in the hands (or in this case mouths) of the math challenged can be as explosive as mis-handling nitroglycerin (and as self destructive). This morning while driving I heard Laura Ingraham do a classic impression of a hysteric Chicken Little when she claimed the Senate Bill would cause 100 million immigrants to invade the […]

15 responses so far

Jun 02 2006

To A Reader

I liked my comment to reader Markman so much I decided it should become a post. So here it is. Markman, Thanks for the compliments. Every state (and region) has different issues with immigrants and different solutions. One thing is for sure, not allowing citizenship creates a permanent second class of people which can cause […]

20 responses so far

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