Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Jun 01 2006

Bush Makes A Stand On Immigration

Anyone can see Bush is marking a line in the sand on what must be in any immigration bill coming out of Congress: “The United States Congress needs to pass a comprehensive bill,” the president said. Bush said any legislation must include a temporary worker program and the opportunity for citizenship. Emphasis mine.  Bush has […]

12 responses so far

Jun 01 2006

More Immigrants To Punish!

** Folks, do I really need to write “sarcasm on”? Go to some sites raging against immigration and see where I got the ideas from! *** Hey, someone tell Michael Savage that there are a whole bunch of criminals who need to be deported at gunpoint! They had the proper paperwork to work here, but […]

22 responses so far

May 31 2006

Face Facts: 80%-20% Is Not A Winning Position

I feel like politics in this country has entered the twilight zone. People I respected for brilliant logic and insight and top notch debate have become emotional, simplistically surreal in their proposals. The level of the discussion has dropped way down into fevered accusations in some places and pure denial in others. I was going […]

50 responses so far

May 30 2006

Conservatives Don’t Get It On Immigration

I have read all across the major conservative sites where people say we cannot have an comprehensive bill on immigration (i.e., expand the guest worker program and document the immigrant workers) because it is not where ‘the people’ are.  That’s a hoot.  It is were most of us our except the far right conservatives.  Check […]

49 responses so far

May 29 2006

Almost Bailed On Reps on Immigration

I was thinking what kind of political loss would straighten up the Conservatives so the would accept their border and employer enforcement enhancements and accept the guest worker program. I was thinking if Rick Santorum had been on the hard line side (instead of the hard success side) then he could be a reasonable sacrificial […]

4 responses so far

May 26 2006

The Right Is Now Officially Blind

When someone compares Mexico to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda it is time to write them off your list of people to listen to: Consult with Mexico about securing US borders? Can you imagine? That’s like conferring with Osama bin Laden prior to implementing airport security. You know, if you cannot discern the difference between […]

26 responses so far

May 26 2006

One Nation, Under God

Our country was founded on the powerful idea that all people (‘men’ in the venacular of the day) are created equal.  That means we treat everyone exactly the same in the eyes of the law.  We acknowledge that we have visitors here from other lands who are not citizens (guest workers, students and tourists) and […]

3 responses so far

May 25 2006

Finally, Progress On Immigration and Security

Is it going to satisfy everyone 100%?  Nope – not even me.  But it is an enormous step forward.  The Senate has passed a comprehensive package on immigration issues: The U.S. Senate approved an immigration bill Thursday that would toughen security at the Mexican border and grant many illegal immigrants a path toward citizenship. Under […]

19 responses so far

May 23 2006

Stop Fooling Around And Make Progress

Two short items on the illegal immigration issue. We need to take concerted action now. Yes my friends on the right, that means compromise. My only challenge to you is to see if you can deal with the compromises graciously and without deroguatory comments about the President and those of us who differ with you. […]

20 responses so far

May 17 2006

Olive Branches Springing Up Everywhere

Seems the fevered tempest over immigration may finally be abating on the right.  There are too many posts to link to so I will just link to the latest one I read concerning the new perspective.  It seems the over the top anger by some has finally forged a coalition of common sense.  Rick Moran […]

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