Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

May 17 2006

Right and Left Center Rallying To Bush’s Plan

*** Update:  As expected, the immigration issue will go forward led by the serious (not moderate) center which has the real political power in this countr.  When you see Senators Boxer and Sessions on the same side you know there is a political force at paly, as well as common sense. *** While the 20% […]

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May 16 2006

This Is NOT America

*** Addendum:  I want to be clear that I am all for debate.  But when debate is over and an idea has or is being rejected (like the deportment and detainment schemes) those who are serious join back together and move on.  I am for strong laws, background checks, the fence/wall and one strike your […]

39 responses so far

May 11 2006

Administration Not Enforcing Laws?

There are lots of myths that get repeated which defy reasoning.  One is the Bush administration is not enforcing immigration laws with employers.  Well we had news last month of a huge raid, and news this month of huge raid.  Well, old myths die hard.

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May 01 2006

May 1 Bust

Anybody notice anything different about today? I failed to notice anything different. Then again I was at work most of the day – like I am most days. Looks to me like the May 1 protest was a huge May 1 bust. What little was accomplished worked against the immigrants’ case. Never show up unvited […]

8 responses so far

Apr 27 2006

America Debates, It Doesn’t Attack

Drudge  has news out that extremists are calling for and instigating attacks in immigrants. As the public debate over immigration reform has taken center-stage in American politics and public life, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other racists have declared “open season” on immigrants and attempted to co-opt and exploit the controversy by focusing their efforts — […]

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Apr 23 2006

Dumb As A Fence Post

Hillary as called for a ‘Smart Fence‘ along the US-Mexixan border. I am all for the fence. But has she never heard the phrase “dumb as a fence post”? Probably not – you only hear that in fly-over country. So, what is a ‘smart fence’ you might ask (as did I)? Hillary answers: “There is […]

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Apr 23 2006

Draining Workers From Building Economies

Captain Ed Morrisey makes a great point on why we need a strong border (a wall if need be) along with a time limited guest worker program (for long term immigrants).  We need to stop draining the most motivated workers from our southern neigbors, since this cripples their efforts to build strong economies.  The guest […]

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Apr 21 2006

Crackdown On Employers Of Illegal Immigrants

Finally, we are seeing some action on the employers of illegal aliens, who in my mind should be paying more taxes to cover the lost taxes and other burdens of illegal immigration (like health care). Drudge has a few stories out which will do have some interesting ripples. The first is on two employers in […]

7 responses so far

Apr 17 2006

What He Said

Captain Ed Morrissey explains the unforced errors and the path to resolution on the immigration issue.  He notes that the protests did not help the pro-immigration movement – especially the ‘amnesty for citizenship’ group.  The ‘hard liners’ can get a major element of a solution with tougher borders, more penalties from employers, one strike you […]

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Apr 16 2006

Immigration Bill Is Likely

Fred Barnes writes today that a ‘pro-immigration’ bill is likely when Congress returns from Easter break. I think Fred’s arguments are a bit simplistic, but the result is accurate: THE IMMIGRATION ISSUE HAS FLIPPED in President Bush’s favor. The public now firmly supports toughened border enforcement plus–and this is a big plus for the president–a […]

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