Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Nov 13 2007

Tancredo’s Hypocritical Exaggerations And Crass Opportunism

Addendum: After listening to this dumb ad again I realize one more thing that really bothers me about it. Not only does it reference “20 million illegals taking our jobs” (which is a crock, no illegal is after his job or my job and I don’t go after theirs), but it equates immigrants to terrorists. […]

25 responses so far

Nov 07 2007

GOP Needs To Stop Digging Their Political Grave

Update: Another indication that the far right is alienating (of course, insulting moderates, er.. RINOS, clearly alienates) the voters and costing elections: Republican losses yesterday, even in solidly GOP districts, he said, were more often the result of a candidate being too conservative for the moderate direction most voters want Virginia to take. “If you […]

34 responses so far

Oct 10 2007

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

In the annals of great whoppers there will be “Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge”, “No of course that outfit doesn’t make you look fat”, and “we don’t need new laws, we just need to enforce the laws we have”. OK, John Kerry and Al Gore have a list of whoppers so long I don’t […]

9 responses so far

Sep 28 2007

Forget Immigrant Workers Here To Make A Living, Protect Our Borders From WMDs!

Want to know why the diversion of what would have to be many times the law enforcement resources we have now on tracking down painters, maids, landscapers and other immigrant workers here to simply make a living is a suicidally dumb idea? Well, if your efforts are focused on the 12-20 million people here working […]

25 responses so far

Sep 26 2007

Immigration Issue Reverses Course, Myths Busted

The illegal immigragtion issue is shifting out from the far right. The idea of creating a guest worker program, along with a process of steps and fines for those here for a long time making a living and keeping their noses cleam to gain legal status (recall, it is not a felony to be hear […]

4 responses so far

Sep 22 2007

Elections Matter, So Do Screw Ups

The GOP had an opportunity to fix the immigration problem twice under Bush. Once when they still ran Congress and once this year when they could redeem themselves. But no, the amnesty hypochondriacs had to start bashing everyone in the conservative coalition who disagreed with them and starting a sit-home protest to teach everyone, especially […]

26 responses so far

Sep 20 2007

More On GOP And Immigration

I just wanted to add some more thoughts to the post I started below on how the GOP will still lose Congress no matter how bad the Democrats perform because of their over-the-top stance (from a vocal minority) on immigration. For those of us who have allied with the conservative coalition since Reagan’s glorious two […]

19 responses so far

Sep 20 2007

GOP Will Lose Congress In ’08 Due To Their Immigration Hypochondriacs

The writing is on the wall. The Democrat led Congress has irritated all but 11% of the electorate now that they are plowing new depths of regard public opinion discontent. This is less than half the support of the supposedly disliked President Bush. But the GOP, by letting hotter heads control the topic, have not […]

15 responses so far

Sep 08 2007

GOP Can’t Face The Truth About Immigration

There are many reasons Rudy Giuliani is going to win the GOP nomination and beat Hillary Clinton (or whoever he Democrat nominee is). His core strength is his toughness in hard situations – shown on 9-11 and the days afterward. He is also unapologetically tough on terrorism – no doubts here. But he is also […]

21 responses so far

Sep 01 2007

Newt’s Nonsense On Immigration

We all remember that the GOP torpedoed immigration reform, claiming the status quo was preferrable to strengthening our laws and making it easier to deport violent criminal immigrants. The crazy GOP claimed all we had to do was “enforce the laws” on the books now. I have shown many times why this is all a […]

32 responses so far

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