Archive for the 'Illegal Immigration' Category

Jun 28 2007

Will The GOP Honor Representative Government?

There is a lot of speculation running out there that the immigration bill will fail its cloture vote test this morning. Clearly it will be close. But I think there are enough GOP members who honor the process of democracy more than winning on one issue. After years of bitching and moaning about how all […]

134 responses so far

Jun 27 2007

Another Poll Confirms The Amnesty Hypochondriacs Small Minority

The Amnesty Hypochondriacs who oppose any legislation that provides a path, with retribution to society, for the illegal aliens here claim to represent 75% of the people. OK, ego-maniacal observations aside (that would mean the GOP had enormous leads in Congress) we also have polls and other DATA to understand what is really going on […]

130 responses so far

Jun 27 2007

Save The GOP Or Save America?

Update: As if to prove my point about the vitriol spewing from the GOP, someone I admired for a long time has jumped the shark and proven what I said below. Today the MSM announced that yet another Republican has jumped ship and called for retreat from the war in Iraq. … Senator Lugar (channeling […]

36 responses so far

Jun 27 2007

Two “Optimistic” Views On The Immigration Bill

Putting aside the wails of the end of America as we know it from the Amnesty Hypochondriacs (and yes, I am so done with their caterwhalling) there are some people out there still striving for a good bill. Here is one I found at RCP with a list of additions to the bill I could […]

8 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

GOP Meltdown

I was not going to do this again, go into the fevered swamps of the Amnesty Hypochondriacs and expose some of the anger that is destroying the GOP. But of course it is necessary to expose what too many who oppose the immigration bill believe about America and Americans on this subject: Post the list […]

48 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

House GOP: We Don’t Know What It Is, But We Oppose It

Let’s not assume sanity will reign over the GOP anytime soon when it comes to immigration. The amnesty hypochondriac wing of the GOP is still pumped up on panic, as we can tell from this telling House GOP statement: House Republicans disapprove of the Senate immigration bill that is expected to go back to the […]

34 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

Provisional Legal Status Spooks Hypochondriacs

As we are set to see if this country will finally take actions (imperfect and incomplete as all actions are when legislated) I find the shrillnes from the hypochondriacs this day laughable. A series of hypochondriac myths are falling to reality and it is just sometimes pathetically funny to watch. We had the fence BS […]

6 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

Border Fence Still On Track

Another amnesty hypochondria myth is being debunked: If the effort to catch people illegally crossing the border here in the southern Arizona desert is a cat-and-mouse struggle, the Homeland Security Department says it has a smarter cat. It comes in the form of nine nearly 100-foot-tall towers with radar, high-definition cameras and other equipment rising […]

12 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

Immigration Issue Forces One Republican Out

I think we will see way too much of this as a result of the harshness that has surrounded the immigration bill: State Rep. Paul Froehlich, a Schaumburg Republican, said he’s changing political parties and becoming a Democrat. “After being in the minority for five years, with no prospects of that changing, I think I […]

14 responses so far

Jun 26 2007

Immigration Bill Cloture Vote Tally

Apparently the Immigration Bill is within striking distance of passing the Cloture vote of 60. One estimate has the opposition now at 32 votes (with enough undecideds to make this interesting). The panicky amnesty hypochondriacs are going to be in full froth until the vote at 11:30 or so this morning. They can’t wait to […]

3 responses so far

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