Archive for the 'Katrina' Category

Jan 02 2006

Blanco’s Buffoonery

Just go read the whole sad story at Rhymes with Right. I guess Governor Blanco needed to soother her frayed nerves, and decided to do some redecorating to take her mind off her problems.

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Dec 04 2005

While New Orleans Burned, Blanco Fiddled

Blanco plotted with the Senate Democrats to win partisan points. My posts on Katrina have consistently pointed out that Governor Blanco, who is the lead in emergency response and relief efforts for Louisiana, was a unmitigated disaster. She and Mayor Nagin delayed evacuation prior to Katrina’s landfall, and then delayed evacuation and the infusion of […]

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Oct 29 2005

More Blanco Blunders

For those new to the site I have quite a few posts on Katrina and how Nagin and Blanco were the primary sources of the debacle there (Michael Brown had successfully handled five major storms up to the point). The truth is Nagin and Blanco did not make any tactical adjustments once the levies broke, […]

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Oct 12 2005

Blanco’s Katrina Debacle

I have posted many times on the disasterous decisions by Blanco and Nagin regarding Katrina. Well, MSNBC has finally started to do some actual reporting on this scandal (hat tip: The Anchoress): Though experts had warned it would take 48 hours to evacuate New Orleans, Blanco did not order a mandatory evacuation that Saturday. “We’re […]

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Oct 12 2005

Told You So Nagin

In this recent Fly By I mentioned the insane scheme by Mayor Naging to bring people back into the city without phones, water and basic services. Well guess what: The slogan “New Orleans: Imagine it Clean” graces the sides of garbage cans in the French Quarter, a reminder that the city’s government once implored residents […]

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Oct 04 2005

New Orleans, Nagin’s Disaster

I posted earlier on how Nagin and Blanco made some abysmal decisions early on which assumed the city’s levees would weather the storm. This was not necessarily wrong, until of course they did fail and they never adjusted their responses. Nagin called for evacuations way too late and did not full evacuate people beyond the […]

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Sep 27 2005

Three Cheers for Michael Brown

UPDATE: I see MacRanger and I find ourselves on the same side of an issue again. I couldn’t be in better company. UPDATE II: Seems Powerline is joining us who see no value in pretending FEMA was (a) something it wasn’t and (b) listening to armchair pretend experts. END UPDATE I have found the need […]

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Sep 15 2005

Michael Brown Speaks Out

The NY Times tries to spin an interview with Michael Brown, formally Director of FEMA, as a negative hit on Bush for not taking control of the situation from the local screw ups sooner. Mr. Brown, then director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said he told the officials in Washington that the Louisiana governor, […]

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Sep 14 2005

Media & Critics Save Victims Of Katrina

This is one of the best pieces slamming the media know-it-alls and their tiresome nagging. [Hat Tip to Real Clear Politics] The “critics” obviously could have done it better, so the new emergency management czar would be Ted Koppel, the ABC News “Nightline” anchor. His questioning of FEMA director Michael Brown indicated that Koppel believed […]

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Sep 11 2005

Nagin, Blanco – Note How It Is Done

Nagin and Blanco seemed to have been victims of their own arrogance and stupidity. That is a harsh assessment, but accurate given what Florida officials have been saying in light of the disasterous response by New Orleans and Lousiana to Katrina. Just read through how all the southern states had problems – but Mississippi was […]

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