Archive for the 'Leak Investigations' Category

May 13 2006

To Die For Your Phone Number

Another post I lost yesterday was the one discussing the Democrat strategy of killing our efforts to detect terrorists in order to protect our phone numbers from the Feds. The democrats are introducing or planning to introduce legislation that would stop the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program. Members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees introduced […]

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May 11 2006

NSA Phone Pattern Analysis Update

As with most things having to do with computers and national security I struggle with what to discuss because just discussing what is possibly happening is feeding information to the terrorists. The terrorists are not stupid, they are just handicapped by ignorance. So I have decided to not do more than acknowledge the original reporting […]

10 responses so far

May 11 2006

Another Day, Another National Security Leak

*** Major Update: Mac Ranger has word those who leaked this story are known to authorities and this may be a political hit job *** *** Major Update at the end – and make sure to check out the comments section for links (simply cursor over the name for the comment to find trackbacks) *** […]

54 responses so far

May 10 2006

The CIA’s Missed Opportunities

What is funny to see is the results of all the calls from Democrats and their liberal media buddies to follow the 9-11 commission recommendations and integrate our intelligence assets. I guess they thought that the integration would center around the failed CIA (which has a lot of good and heroic people in it, don’t […]

7 responses so far

May 09 2006

Dana Priest Now The Story

I truly enjoy it when the news corpse has the lense of ‘news’ turned on them and exposes all their personal details for the world to see.  Dana Priest is now in the spotlight for full evaluation and critiquing of her motives and methods.  H/T Reader Crosspatch

6 responses so far

May 08 2006

Hoekstra Still Cowering

New day, same Hoekstra. Many fine people who I admire have emailed and commented to me that some people just feel unconfortable about too many military leaders. Well, I don’t find that argument persuasive. To say that still implies there is something negative about people in the Military. The round of discussion came when I […]

4 responses so far

May 07 2006

Time Whines About 9-11 Commission

Folks, when you read all the whining about DNI taking over the CIA’s central role and coordinating all the intelligence resources remember one thing. This was not a power grab, this was the recommendation of the 9-11 commission. This is not Bush’s plan to destroy the CIA, this was the plan of the 9-11 Commission […]

3 responses so far

May 07 2006

Liberal Media Bias On Hayden

More on Hayden tomorrow, but I want to highlight the nasty bias reporters have for the military in this one snippet from a story about Hayden’s probable move to head the CIA: Despite his military background, Hayden, 61, is something of a nonconformist. Like folks in the military cannot be inventive, break new ground, develop […]

2 responses so far

May 05 2006

Silent Rockefeller Speaks Out On Goss

Supporting Mac Ranger’s contention that the Goss resignation is a harbinger of interesting things to come, I was surprised to see number one Senate Leak suspect Sen Jay Rockefeller trying to slam Goss on his way out. Sen. John Rockefeller of West Virginia, the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said in a written statement: […]

11 responses so far

May 02 2006

Rogue CIA Fires Back?

Mac Ranger predicted the roque CIA agents trying to destroy this country through leaks would create some bizarre news. Sometimes we need to spell things out for the liberal puppets on the left, so I must point out again that the tools available to the CIA to gather information illegally and use it against people […]

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