Archive for the 'Litvinenko, Berezovsky, Chechens' Category

Jan 04 2007

More On Litvinenko Polonium Trail

I decided to go back and review all the Health Protection Agency (HPA) notices that have come out since Litvinenko’s death and the realization he was poisoned by Polonium 210 to see what other details may have been hidden in these announcements. I was not dissappointed. In fact I suggest you read to the end, […]

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Jan 03 2007

4th Hotel Linked To Polonium-210 Trail

Update: Some corrections. The dates of the known Lugovoi trips to meet Litvinenko and which show Polonium are Oct 16th, Oct 25th and Oct- Nov 1. Here is my post on the reporting on the authorities finally admitting these events appear to be smuggling efforts. Here is the list of contaminated sites and people I […]

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Jan 01 2007

The Polonium 210 Trail Reaches America

I am amazed that the Litvinenko story is not getting serious attention in the US or in the Europe. The media is so wedded to the possible assassination angle they have totally ignored the equally plausible, and much more disturbing possibility, of the Dirty Bomb. Ever since I began posting on this story the evidence […]

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Dec 30 2006

Is Berezovsky A Media Hero?

One of the unexplained aspects of the Litvinenko case is the complete brain wash of the media. I know a lot of people still live in the era of the Soviet Union, but the obvious and open PR campaign that surrounded Litvinenko’s last days was clearly a sign that something other than a pending death […]

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Dec 29 2006

Berezovsky To Be Questioned

Update: Right on cue, Goldfarb speaks out for Berezovsky: Alex Goldfarb, who runs Berezovsky’s Foundation for Civil Liberties in New York, told Reuters British police had already questioned Berezovsky and other people who knew Litvinenko. “It is none of the Russian prosecutors’ business: this is a British investigation and Boris is fully cooperating,” Goldfarb said […]

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Dec 29 2006

British Prepare For Dirty Bomb

Update: It is clear from

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Dec 28 2006

New Suspect In Litvinenko Incident

There is a new suspect in the Litvinenko incident – a Russian who travelled with Kovtun from Hamburg to London on November 1st and met up with Kovtun in London later that day. And now the admitting this incident is associated with smuggling of Polonium-210 into London Detectives investigating the murder of Alexander Litvinenko are […]

22 responses so far

Dec 28 2006

Polonium, Mercury, And A Dirty Bomb?

The Litvinenko story has taken a strange twist with reports of a Mercury Trail that covers Moscow and London and, apparently, overlaps the Polonium-210 trail associated with Litvinenko’s bizzare death last month. The prosecutor general’s office said traces of evaporated mercury had been found in cars, flats, cottages and offices in both Moscow and London. […]

10 responses so far

Dec 28 2006

More Clues To The Litvinenko Puzzle

It is interesting how the media swarm on the Litvinenko incident as died way down. I keep wondering what in the world caused the about face (besides competing stories on the modern Ripper). But some interesting new clues are slowly coming out, and I think everyone has decided to take a deep breath and stop […]

25 responses so far

Dec 27 2006

Mercury And Polonium?

Saldy folks I ended up with a terrible Christmas cold which is making me miserable. So the posting is light (and light headed). The news out today is that the Russians are looking at how another exiled Oligarch, Leonid Nevzlin, may have played a role in the Litvinenko incident: “A version is being looked at […]

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