Archive for the 'All General Discussions' Category

Jul 14 2014

Obama’s Political Game Turns Deadly

For President Bush, Katrina became a toxic political subject due to dead bodies floating in the waters to underscore the human crisis. But at least he responded. For President Obama the question is, will the floating bodies of young “Dreamers” finally stop the President from playing politics and start playing leader of the free world? […]

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Jul 14 2014

Obama Makes Bush Look Great On Katrina

Published by under Illegal Immigration,Katrina

President Obama and his “handlers” assume a certain level of ignorance by the general population (aided by a biased media willing to sacrifice their honor and morality for the political cause). For example, the method by which President Obama is creating a border crisis to extort legislation out of Congress requires a certain amount of […]

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Jul 11 2014

Illegals Not Required To Have ID On Commercial Planes?

Un-Effing-Believable! Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, […]

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Jul 11 2014

Obama Is Afraid To Face Mess He Created

Published by under All General Discussions

Want to know why President Obama will not go to the US border and see the humanitarian crisis he committed? He’s afraid. He is definitely fed up with being President. He sees his legacy in the tank already. Outside being the first African American President, his record will be one of a string of epic […]

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Jul 09 2014

Obama’s Immigration/Border Madness

Man, has President Obama checked out or what! Not only is Obama having his Katrina moment, unlike President Bush (who did not cause the Hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast of America) Obama has created a nuclear version of the moment. The border crisis is his. But now he is  trying to pretend no one […]

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Jul 08 2014

Time To Impeach Obama? Not Yet

Governor Sarah Palin came out today to make a great opening argument for Impeachment of President Obama. However, the political repercussions of Impeachment probably would push the decision to Impeach into the next Congress, which will be sworn in January 2015. Palin’s concerns are valid: Because of Obama’s purposeful dereliction of duty an untold number […]

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Jul 08 2014

Criminal, Vicious Acts At Veterans Administration

Published by under VA Scandal

My father passed away recently (no, that is not a picture of us, but it does represent his final day on this planet with us). He was a WWII veteran who fought for this country in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific. He volunteered to take on the evil in this world in the late […]

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Jul 04 2014

Obama Pushing California Back Into GOP Camp

Obama’s lame duck madness does not seem to be abating, but it does seem to be backfiring. Obama has clearly gone all Imperial – jettisoning all pretense that he recognizes and respects (let alone defends) the checks and balances of our laws and constitution. His frustration with having to work with people of diverse beliefs […]

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Jul 03 2014

Obama’s Frustration Pushing Him To Dig Deeper Hole For Dems

Update: Michael Goodwin makes a similar point to mine below: Let me be clear: Obama is flirting with disaster. This and other polls show he is losing ground with every group, including African-Americans. … Losing the consent of the governed is a profound event, and there is no easy path back to public grace. The […]

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Jul 02 2014

Death By Government Incompetence

What a way to die – waiting on bureaucrats to get around to dealing with your critical medical emergency and finding them “out of the office”: Time ran out for Linda Rolain. The Las Vegas woman died Monday, less than two weeks after her family went public with details of how enrollment trouble through the […]

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