Archive for the 'Plame Game' Category

Jul 18 2005

Matt Cooper’s Hillary Ties

Boy do I get disgusted with DC politics (which by necessity includes the media) when they do not disclose their biases. Maybe I am just naive. But I just learned that sobbing, poor little Matt Cooper, who almost went to jail to protect this country, is married to a Hillary staffer. If true, where was […]

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Jul 18 2005

MSM is Plame Lying

I know the MSM has their agenda, and they cannot comprehend views outside their microcosmic echo chamber. But when they continue to push falsehoods and incomplete information as fact, when the truth to date and complete picture is well established, then we have a problem. I touched on this a bit here, but Ed Morrissey […]

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Jul 17 2005

Liberal Media Over The Edge

Tom Maguire came out with the obvious conclusion the Plame/Wilson scandal will wither away now that it is clear Rove did nothing more than answer reporter questions on the subject they brought up. But the media can’t let go. They are too far out on this limb. They have cried for 2 years this is […]

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Jul 17 2005

Calls to Prosecute Plame

I know I am in the minority here, but it seems to be a growing minority. Nick Danger at Redstate is one of the Blame Plame/Wilson crowd and has this piece by David Horowitz at Frontpage In the midst of a war, a rogue CIA employee named Valerie Plame set out to sabotage the President’s […]

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Jul 16 2005

Compiling The Case Against Plame/Wilson

So much time continues to be wasted on Rove and the White House as if any of this still matters now that Wilson has admitted his wife was not a Secret Operative covered under IIP laws. What is remains relevant is the leaking of classified material. Tom MaGuire has the most information compiled over years […]

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Jul 15 2005

Lots of Leaking Going On

At the Fitzgerald investigation. This appears to be leaks from the Rove side (who is allowed to discuss his testimony, regardless of the special prosecutors requests to not to discuss the case for now). After mentioning a CIA operative to a reporter, Bush confidant Karl Rove alerted the president’s No. 2 security adviser about the […]

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Jul 15 2005

Plame Game Part Duex

One of my first posts on this subject related my experiences growing up in McLean VA right outside the gates of Langley, and how badly people who worked at the CIA could hide that info from the community at large. Too many tell tales, too many loose lips, etc. I have held this position for […]

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Jul 14 2005

NYTimes Clears Rove

I know they are desperately trying to hand Rove, but they just cleared him in their reporting. Karl Rove, the White House senior adviser, spoke with the columnist Robert D. Novak as he was preparing an article in July 2003 that identified a C.I.A. officer who was undercover, someone who has been officially briefed on […]

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Jul 14 2005

Response To Leon @ Redstate

Leon H has done an excellent job of trying to distill the Plame Game down to it essence and to sift the truth from the rumors. Tom Maguire and Leon and others have done a great job tracking this twisting, turning story of half truths and misleading statements. Our little old blog is hitting its […]

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Jul 14 2005

Wilson-France Connection??

Kowalski at Redstate is positing a theory (since he used ‘posit’ I had to of course) that one possible purpose to Wilson’s trip was to give them a heads up to clean up. This was not Wilson’s first foray to the region and he had ties to all the mining interests (as his own wife […]

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