Archive for the 'Plame Game' Category

Jul 14 2005

GOP’s Top Ten On Wilson

Hat tip Drudge. I am sure everyone has seen these but they are really sort of funny, in a pathetic way. The dems have lashed themselves to another political anchor by the name Joe Wilson 2.) Wilson Claimed The Vice President And Other Senior White House Officials Were Briefed On His Niger Report: “[Wilson] Believed […]

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Jul 13 2005

Matt Cooper Better Watch Out

Matt Cooper is very close to serious trouble. He is not in legal trouble – yet. But his next decision will determine what kind of life he has after this ridiculous Plame/Wilson debacle. Matt Cooper is at best a serial exaggerator, and at worst a liar. If one reads the emails he sent to his […]

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Jul 13 2005

WSJ On Plame Game

Today’s WSJ has a good, concise rundown on the Plame debacle (Hat tip: RealClearPolitics). First it brings out a revelation that supports my contention that the outing of Plame is not an issue anymore. Surprisingly this comes from the very media who called for the investigation: On the “no underlying crime” point, moreover, no less […]

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Jul 12 2005

Plame it Again, Sam

I have been suggesting on many boards and here that Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson may be the ones being investigated by the Grand Jury for the leak. I have a whole category on the subject now and have been over at Redstate debating the issues here, here and here. Why do I think that? […]

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Jul 12 2005

Was Plame’s Name Out On Wilson’s Bio?

Seixon has done some searching and found a bio of Joe Wilson on the Internet with his wife’s name clearly listed. And Seixon believes he can track this back to February 2003! If so, what in the world is going on with this investigation?? Quick, go to Google, search for “Joseph C. Wilson” and look […]

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Jul 11 2005

What Is Judith Miller Hiding?

Here is an excellent piece on Judith Miller’s decision to go to jail despite being released from confidentiality by her source Something doesn’t add up about why Judith Miller went to jail. The New York Times reporter didn’t write a story about the Valerie Plame case and had a waiver from her source in order […]

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Jul 11 2005

Cooper Sought Rove’s Permission

Hat tip to Instapundit on this article on what took place with Matt Cooper and Rove and diclosing information. It provides more fuel to the theory that some in the press may have been working with Plame/Wilson to distribute misinformation on Saddam’s nuclear intentions – a crime of fraud if true – and the Bush […]

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Jul 11 2005

Hunter@KOS Thinks He Found Something

The effort the left is applying to grasp anything on the Bush White House over the Plame/Wilson rogue efforts is humorous. They so badly want Bush or Rove they they miss the obvious. Here is Hunter (the desperate) still grasping for a conspiracy about Plame’s well known employment at the CIA (so well known it […]

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Jul 10 2005

Who Stole Kinsley’s Body??

What is going on with Michael Kinsley? He has come out against the liberal media establishment at the NYTimes for its hypocritical stance on the Plame/Wilson scandal When Robert Novak first reported that people in the Bush White House had identified Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA operative, the New York Times was in high […]

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Jul 10 2005

Cooper’s Source is Rove? Whodathunkit!

UPDATE II: I see emerging from all this a story about a career CIA employee who tried to manipulate public opinion by sending her husband on a pretend fact finding mission in order for him to write their preferred editorial supporting the continued existance of the Hussein Regime and against the war in Iraq. I […]

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