Archive for the 'Stem Cell Debate' Category

May 29 2005

Destroy Trey to Save Your Life?

More on the stem cell front with a simple question: Would you destroy Trey to save your life? Would you destroy Trey to save someone you love (most likely against their wishes)? Sorry folks, but these are the questions that need to be asked and answered. And those who would kill someone to save someone […]

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May 29 2005

Stem Cell Creationism

Those promoting the sanctity of life to limit embryonic stem cell research are constantly attacked for basing these positions on religious tenants. Well, the secularists are the ones who are ‘out there’ when it comes to dealing with science vs. fantasy. Scientifically, without any doubt and based on fact – not theory or hypothesis, an […]

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May 24 2005

Umbilicals 57 – Embryos 0

I have posted on this subject earlier here and here. Today is the day the House of Representatives decide what kind of nation we are. One that gambles with the unproven approach to harvest human beings in their earliest stages of life (“embryo” refers to a stage of life, not a form of life) that […]

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May 23 2005

MSM Confusion on Stem Cells

As I posted earlier, the embryonic stem cell issue is wrought with confusion and misinformation. Is it ignorance or propoganda? We’ll let you decide. Many confuse a stage of life (embryo, fetus, babay, etc.) with forms of life (homo sapien sapien, human being, etc.). Today the San Diego Tribune provides another example of how the […]

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May 22 2005

Reps drinking the Koolaid

Stem cell research is making a comeback as more and more people fall under the snake oil pitch about massive cures coming from innocent emrbyos. The Corner at NRO has an item that demonstrates how bad this is becoming. Senator George Allen just basically came out for the legislation easing embryonic-stem-cell restricitions on This Week. […]

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