Archive for December 29th, 2005

Dec 29 2005


A diarist over at Redstate makes a good point about the FISA wall and Moussaoui. BTW, yes I am still banned at Redstate since I made them call me names against their own policy on personal insults! Isn’t life ironic?

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Dec 29 2005

Liberals Hope Destruction Of US Brings Impeachment

Talk about hoping the world will end so you can be crowned emperor of the ashes! Check out this liberal’s pathological fantasy, culminating in Bush’s impeachment: Because we shall soon see the consequences of those warrantless searches, the consequences of the government’s five years of secrecy, and even the citizens of the “Red States” will […]

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Dec 29 2005

Wilson Met Fitzgerald

While this general story is cute about the Wilson twins (who are about 6 months younger than our twin daughters), the real surprising gem is that Joe Wilson talked to Fitzgerald quite recently: Wilson said he does not know how the current investigation was progressing and has only spoken to the special prosecutor twice, most […]

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Dec 29 2005

Bush Cleaning Up Big Business

Published by under All General Discussions

Don Surber has an excellent post out today illustrating how Bush deals with corruption in Big Business. Where some pols might take campaign donations to water down laws and help these people skate, Bush send them to jail. Check out the list, it is amazing.

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Dec 29 2005

Constitution Trumps FISA

For all those who fell asleep during US Government class (especially you intellectually superior liberals) the US Constitution takes precedent over any act of Congress. So, no matter what the FISA statute says, it cannot supercede the US Constitution and the powers granted the President in that document. Any legislation that attempts to challenge the […]

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Dec 29 2005

FISA Does Not Cover NSA

As I suspected, it is not clear FISA has any authority over the NSA’s role in surveillance overseas. The rub comes when information from overseas or in connection with overseas agents touches people in the US. That is when the FBI must come into play, and apparently the process of that hand over is through […]

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Dec 29 2005

Liberal Insanity

Published by under All General Discussions

The far left has gone over the cliff with impeachment fever. They have lost all their self composure, let alone any semblance of coherency and logic. Example, Molly Ivins: Thirty-five years ago, Richard Milhous Nixon, who was crazy as a bullbat, and J. Edgar Hoover, who wore women’s underwear, decided some Americans had unacceptable political […]

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Dec 29 2005

IBD Calls Times, Post On Helping Our Enemies

Investors Business Daily minced no words today in saying the NY Times has helped Al Qaeda by alerting them to our methods, and tipping them off so they can adjust their plans to kill Americans: It’s hard to imagine a major American newspaper in 1942 announcing before the Battle of Midway that we had broken […]

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