Archive for December, 2005

Dec 24 2005

NY Times Treasonous Tips To Terrorists

Updates at end You would think the NY Times would think twice about leaking details about how we are trying to trace and track Al Qaeda, and Bin Laden especially. But no – today they run more details on our most secret counter terrorism operation, providing our enemies more understanding and more information on how […]

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Dec 23 2005

Leakers Robertson and Rockefeller

We were one of the first to see that the resignation of Judge Robertson from FISA was more likely the act of someone under investigation for leaking and damaging the NSA surveillance of Al Qaeda communications with people in the US. For a protest resignation, both Robertson and the Bush administration were way too quiet. […]

7 responses so far

Dec 23 2005

FISA Court Tried To Retain Gorelick Wall

SBD, a reader here and on other conservative sights, keeps posting comments that appear a lot like bread crumbs to follow. Fortunately I find his crumbs hard to resist. The latest was on this story by James Risen just after 9-11 regarding wire taps, FISA and terrorists. The internal debate at the Justice Department and […]

7 responses so far

Dec 23 2005

Senators (never) Investigated For Leaking

UPDATE: Sorry folks, this is old news. Apparently this happened a couple of yeara ago. Here is another article by Babbin last December: As a result of their revelations to the public and the press, three U.S. Senators — Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), who’s also the ranking Dem on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dick […]

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Dec 23 2005

New Day, The Left Is Still Insane

Updates at the end There are so many examples of the left’s self destruction on the NSA monitoring of Al Qaeda and Terrorist contacts in the US it simply boggles the mind so many people could have been swept up in the madness. Not most people (by a long shot). It is just the entire […]

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Dec 22 2005

More FISA Madness On The Left

Updates at end I find it strange the left has taken the subject of tracking possible Al Qaeda operatives, supporters or victims in the US as the cause to impeach Bush. Somehow they have concluded that if contacts with Al Qaeda make it to our shores, they are free to communicate and coordinate their plans. […]

14 responses so far

Dec 21 2005

FISA Judge: Resigned or Suspended?

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has a round up on this subject, and seems to be thinking along the same lines. Thanks for the link Michelle! UPDATE II: You know, for a man who resigned in protest, Judge Robertson is being awfully tight lipped. Why is he not out in the press promoting his personal sacrifice made […]

7 responses so far

Dec 21 2005

Look, More Lemmings!

This is a follow up to a previous post. I think I will keep a lemming count. First was Jonathan Altered States. Now we have Holy Moly Joe Conason: Recklessly and audaciously, George W. Bush is driving the nation whose laws he swore to uphold into a constitutional crisis. He has claimed the powers of […]

3 responses so far

Dec 21 2005

Lemmings Away!

UPDATE: More on the NY Times leak by Ed Morrissey, who predicted like many of us the BY Times was pushed top publish by the debut of Risen’s Book END UPDATE The leftward side of the country is running for the edge of the cliff with the dream of impeaching Bush! Yesterday, the Altered Boy […]

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Dec 20 2005

Plame Leak Outside White House

In what has to be a massive blow to the leftward fringes, Bob Woodward has confident (with accuracy in my opinion) that Novak’s source on Plame is outside the White House. Via Decision ’08, Tom Maguire discusses the scoop from this Harvard Crimson article: But in a conversation at Harvard earlier this month, Woodward hinted […]

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