Archive for January 11th, 2006

Jan 11 2006

Tice Spilled Beans To Congress On NSA

FoxNews is reporting on Brit Hume’s Special Report by Carl Cameron (right before the midpoint) that Russell Tice did tell someone in Congress about the NSA program. My guess – Sen Rockerfeller. Carl is also reporting Tice did not work on the program which Risen and the NY Times leaked – so therefore it is […]

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Jan 11 2006

Ted Kennedy’s Warrantless Surveillance For Partisan Reasons

I seriously doubt Ted Kennedy and his Senate Democrat co-conspirators realize what a bone head move they just made regarding the CAP subpoena for dirt on Alito. While Congress has the power of subpoena, it is clear this planned invasion of privacy of a US Citizen not even involved in the hearings on Judge Alito […]

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Jan 11 2006

Courts Rejected NSA Intel?

Our reader SBD does some excellent research using Lexus-Nexus. He has found a case where the FBI alerted all the agencies they had a terrorist lead and wanted intel on the person gathered in the normal routine of the intel agency! Nothing special, just watch for this name and give us what crosses your desks. […]

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Jan 11 2006

Tsunami Risk

Published by under All General Discussions

World Net Daily also had a link on St Augustine Volcano in Alaska which is on red alert for an eruption. It sits on an island in Cook Inlet, making it a candidate for a Tsunami if part of it breaks free. Links here and here, with a web feed on what appears to be […]

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Jan 11 2006

Syria Declared Holy War On US

Just like Bin Laden did in the late 1990’s, apparently Syria’s Bashir Assad declared a Holy War on the US and our presence in Iraq in 2003, according to a Telegraph article covering Paul Bremer’s new book (hat tip WorldNetDaily]: President Bashar al-Assad of Syria secretly incited Iraq’s top Shia leader to declare holy war […]

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Jan 11 2006

Murtha’s Madness

Published by under All General Discussions

Rep Jack (‘Runaway” [in your best Python voice]) Murtha has crossed the line. Mac Ranger has a post where Murtha accepted accolades from Code Pink with our own VA Rep Jim (Moron) Moran: Thank You Congressman Murtha! CODEPINK co-founder Gael Murphy and DC coordinator Allison Yorra met with Congressman Murtha to thank him for his […]

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Jan 11 2006

Why Hold Elections?

Published by under All General Discussions

Michael Barone skewers James Risen who is upset that our elected leaders lead, and they do not defer to career bureaucrats in making decisions: Risen: Well, I–I think that during a period from about 2000–from 9/11 through the beginning of the gulf–the war in Iraq, I think what happened was you–we–the checks and balances that […]

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Jan 11 2006


To date we have two claims and incredibly wild and baseless accusations. I have said this before on too many posts to link to, but the NY Times only claimed NSA monitored US citizenz without a warrant and the FISA judges expressed concern that information gleaned from NSA monitoring of US citizens ‘tainted’ FISA warrants. […]

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Jan 11 2006

Pakistan Cleaning House of Taliban

Pakistan has had a sustained house cleaning effort going on in the region near their northern border with Afghanistan to clear out Taliban and Al Qaeda: Militants clashed with Pakistani forces in a troubled tribal zone bordering Afghanistan early Tuesday, leaving seven paramilitary troops and 14 suspected insurgents dead, officials said. The firefight was one […]

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Jan 11 2006

Disheartened Liberals, No Filibuster

That sound you hear is the air spilling out of the democrat’s bravado. As I said previously, the Alito hearings are not generating any news against Alito, and the liberals are losing heart while the country ignores their overly strained cries of ‘Wolf!’. Real Clear Politics leads with an assessment of the left and on […]

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