Archive for January, 2006

Jan 19 2006

Bin Laden Wants To Quit?

Major Update: It is Bin Laden The CIA has authenticated the voice on a tape played by al-Jazeera as Osama bin Laden, an agency official said. White House Response: “We do not negotiate with terrorists,” McClellan said. “We put them out of business.” Don’t forget there are updates at the end of this post. UPDATE: […]

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Jan 19 2006

Playboys vs. Leaders

Let’s just agree that many men at some point dream of being 007. James Bond is a seriously dangerous ladies’ man who protects the free world from the forces of evil. Of course, if you scratch deeply, too many real life men are more interested in the ladies than risking life and limb. In fact, […]

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Jan 19 2006

Connecting The MSM Dots

Jack Kelly does a great job of connecting dots on two stories discussed in the ConBlogSphere: the recent arrest of terrorists in Italy planning attacks on stadiums and other public arenas the MSM has ignored; and the case of Joel Hinrichs who was a Muslim convert and who blew himself up outside a Oklahoma football […]

3 responses so far

Jan 18 2006

Richard Clarke Is Inspector Clouseau

Richard Clarke, former terrorism czar during the run up to 9-11 that saw us lose Able Danger leads on terrorists Atta, Midhar, Shehhi and Hadmi to some reactionary bureaucratic house cleaning and also lose the leads to Atta in Hamburg, has come out with another of his schizophrenic moments. Clark is always saying how Bush […]

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Jan 18 2006

Al Qaeda Chem Weapons Expert Killed In Air Strike

Turns out we did get at least one high valued prize in that air strike in Pakistan: ABC News has learned that al Qaeda’s master bomb maker and chemical weapons expert was one of the men killed in last week’s U.S. missile attack in eastern Pakistan. Midhat Mursi, 52, also known as Abu Khabab al-Masri, […]

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Jan 18 2006

ACLU Case Is Weak

The case being brought by the ACLU and CCR against the administration is obviously weak. People communicating with suspected terrorists are taking on a risk that they should understand. Here are some initial assessments of the claims: For instance, former New Jersey Judge and constitutional scholar Andy Napolitano says that the lawsuits will probably be […]

11 responses so far

Jan 17 2006

ACLU In Contact With Overseas Terrorist?

Would seem so. Since NSA only targets communications with terrorist suspects overseas The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a group of prominent journalists, scholars, attorneys, and national nonprofit organizations (including the ACLU) who frequently communicate by phone and e-mail with people in the Middle East. Because of the nature of their calls and e-mails, […]

12 responses so far

Jan 17 2006

NY Times Confesses Truth About NSA Leak

UPDATE II: As I converse with the folks at Powerline I am seeing more and more evidence that my suspicions are on correct. Bush did something in 2001 that changed the way things were being done prior to 9-11 – we know that much from all the crazy impeachment talk. Today’s NY Times story discusses […]

19 responses so far

Jan 16 2006

How Dare The ACLU Disparage MLK!

The ACLU has compared Martin Luther King, one of the bravest and most admired Americans, to the Taliban, Al Qaeda and terrorists in general. In a full page ad they compared the illegal surveillance of MLK by partisan politicains to the surveillance of known or highly suspected terrorists overseas The ad invokes Dr. Martin Luther […]

7 responses so far

Jan 16 2006

Iran Heading Towards Crisis

Iran is heading towards full confrontation with the World. The Foreign Office said all five veto-wielding permanent members of the Security Council _ the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China _ and Germany had shown “serious concern over Iranian moves to restart uranium enrichment activities.” They agreed on the need for Iran to “return to […]

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