Feb 09 2006
Lost My Computer!
Folks, double whammy. My computer went down with all my email addresses, etc. In case anyone is wondering why I am not emailing them these days! This will take a few days to correct.
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Feb 09 2006
Folks, double whammy. My computer went down with all my email addresses, etc. In case anyone is wondering why I am not emailing them these days! This will take a few days to correct.
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Feb 09 2006
Sorry for the absence folks – lots of meetings. Lots of information has been coming out on the FISA-NSA story which is modifying some of my theories on that may have happened and what is happening. But the revelations are also raising my concern that America is heading towards the re-establishment of the ‘Gorelick Wall’ […]
Feb 09 2006
To all those patient souls commenting and not seeing their comments all day I must apologize. I am in all day meetings and not getting to the computer until late at night to let those comments through that get caught in the spam detector (I have deleted I think 3 comments out of thousands posted). […]
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