Archive for March, 2006

Mar 02 2006

Able Danger Conference Call With Weldon

For those who were not following the conference call updates on other sites, Curt at Flopping Aces and Vi from QT Monster posting on Able Danger Blog have links to the audio of the conference call and some comments.

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Mar 02 2006

Will Conservatives Throw It All Away Over Ports?

Conservatives who are against the UAE port are going to face a hard lesson in humility – deal with it or undermine Bush’s second term. The UAE Port deal is going through, there is nothing to stop a determined President from respecting a good ally (at least when compared to Russia, France and Germany): US […]

3 responses so far

Mar 01 2006

Why I Oppose The Manifesto Against Islam

John at Stop The ACLU askled me why I opposed the manifesto because he did not read it the way I did. Well. I may be wrong but I doubt it. Here is why I interpreted the words the way I did: Here is the original text: We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out […]

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Mar 01 2006

The Manifesto Against The New Islamic Totalitarianism

I want to sign up to this, but I cannot because of one line.  And that one line is now in the manifesto to be used as is.  It is the classic confusion between “Islam” and “Islamists”: We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out of fear of being accused of “Islamophobia”, an unfortunate concept […]

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