Archive for July, 2006

Jul 14 2006

NY Times Admits NSA Program Mission

The FISA-NSA row exploded last December when it was learned NSA leads on possible terrorists in this country, leads detected when legitimately monitoring the communications of terrorists overseas, were passed to the FBI, who then took them to FISA under a new process enacted after 9-11. Prior to 9-11 I am convinced the NSA would […]

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Jul 14 2006

The Tailoring Of A Suit

Siexon has done some excellent work on illustrating how the civil suit by the Wilsons and the minions was more than likely part of the overall plan as far back as October 2005, when there were still hopes for a Merry Fitzmas. As I have said many times, Wilson is on audio tape, prior to […]

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Jul 13 2006

Joe And Val Suing To A Best Seller

Obvioulsy Fitzgerald is closing up shop because first we have Rove jauntily walking around sans indictment, then Novak opens up on his role in all this, and now the Wilsons try and create a mega-scandal so Val can sell more books by filing a flimsy law suit against Libby and Rove! Too much fun. Bring […]

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Jul 13 2006

Joe Wilson’s Myopia

Joe Wilson is all upset because he claims Valerie did not suggest him for his Niger trip, but someone else at the CIA asked her to make a request him (which is not consistent with the memo she wrote praising his experience for the trip, and also with the Senate report which discussed how the […]

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Jul 13 2006

Missile Defense Success

Published by under All General Discussions

All those on the left who fought a Missile Defense System since Reagan’s SDI program (which I had the honor to work on very early in my career) are hopefully realizing how bad their decisions were. The military successfully tested a THAAD interceptor missile, which represents the last tier in a multi-tiered defense system for […]

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Jul 13 2006

Same Old Judicial Review

Mac Ranger points to some non-news today on the NSA-FISA front. Specter thinks he has accomplished something, but in classic Washington DC style people are celebrating nothing new. – Require the attorney general to give the intelligence court information on the program’s constitutionality, the government’s efforts to protect Americans’ identities and the basis used to […]

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Jul 13 2006

Plame End Game

Published by under All General Discussions

Novak has been putting quite a punctuation mark on the Blame Game and quite a dunce hat on prosecutor Fitzgerald with all his revelations. On FOX News’ Special Report with Brit Hume (which I missed) he lays out some interesting points. First off we see the indications that it was Armitage and the State Department […]

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Jul 13 2006

To Avoid A Massive War, Clear Out Waziristan

The world has to face some harsh realities in the war on terror, and so do some of our allies. Just like the Arab Muslim nations finally had to start cracking down on their radical elements fomenting death and destruction, so too does Pakistan have to deal with the Northern Terroritories and Waziristan Province. The […]

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Jul 13 2006

Murtha’s Bribery Scandal

The American Spectator has dug up some transcripts of Murtha during the old Abscam bribery scandals where he is clearly willing to dance with the people after some ‘time’ to get to know them and feel comfortable exposing himself. [Murtha] “I want to deal with you guys awhile before I make any transactions at all, […]

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Jul 13 2006

Democrats Propagandize The Dead

There is nothing more disgusting than using the body of a soldier who has died in the defense of this nation to

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