Archive for September, 2006

Sep 05 2006

How The Left Courts Jews

Seems the Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left is nearly as intense as its hatred for Jews. In a bizarre election year ploy to court Jews. Obviously in response to Lieberman not accepting his loss to Lamont during the democrat primary, it seems the far left confused ‘courtship’ with ‘indictments’: Foxman cited examples from the […]

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Sep 05 2006

NSA And FISA: The Left Is Clueless, The Solution Obvious

Liberals are a fairly clueless lot. They do not understand the separation of powers and the authorities granted the three branches under the constitution. Ever since the NY Times totally screwed up the reporting on the post 9-11 relationship between the NSA and FISA you have to admit that our education system has produced a […]

15 responses so far

Sep 05 2006

What Is Iran Preparing For?

One place we all know where dissident voices can rise up is on college and university campuses. Higher education is the bane of totalitary regimes. So one has to wonder what is in the planning when Iran decides to purge the country of secular and liberal professors. While some are claiming Iran is not Nazi […]

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Sep 05 2006

The Far Left Continues To Repulse

The far left continues to repulse the center left, further distilling the overall political left to a cesspool of unbridled anger. Read how another vangaurd of the left has, like Christopher Hitchens and others have done, breaks with the anti-American, Bush is Hitler types. A snippet: �American bond traders, you may say, are as innocent […]

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Sep 05 2006

Democrats’ Useless Proposal, GOP Achilles’ Heel

The Democrats are once again playing to their base, wasting time and not making an effort to connect with the broader American electorate in their call for Rumsfeld’s departure. Changing office name plates in the Pentagon is not addressing the supposed premiere issue: Iraq. That is because (a) the democrats have no answer and (b) […]

18 responses so far

Sep 04 2006

Proof Positive A PhD Does Not Indicate Brain Activity

Published by under All General Discussions

The left is infested with truly bizarre knuckleheads. The sad fact is many have advanced degrees in some science, yet they cannot seem to keep their heads screwed on right. Take these 75 fellow travellers from academia, who obviously represent the Lamont-Gore-Moore wing of the insane asylum: The attacks of September 11, Jones asserts, were […]

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Sep 04 2006

Why Is The Left Obsessed With Conspiracies?

Published by under All General Discussions

Rick Moran has a great post out lauding those in the government and some major news media challenging the conspiracy nuts in the leftward fringes. But one thing has to be addressed: why is the left so obsessed with conspiracy theories? Why all the mistaken conclusion theories on the NSA Terrorist Surveillance Program where the […]

6 responses so far

Sep 04 2006

Iraq Wants Us To Stay And Help Finish The Job

How often does a nation like America get a request to change history and bring a people out of the darkness of dictotorship and into the light of democracy? How many times will we have a major Muslim leader ask us to help him save Islam from its fascist wing, and has commited to be […]

9 responses so far

Sep 04 2006

The Electorate Is Dynamic – Liberals Foolishly Assume It Favors Dems

For those who watch elections and recognize each election cycle has both uniquenesses and commonalities with previous cycles, the media’s hype about this fall’s elections are not only premature – but a common mistake we have seen for 12 years now. After a year of political turmoil, Republicans enter the fall campaign with their control […]

19 responses so far

Sep 04 2006

Crocodile Hunter’s Demise

Published by under All General Discussions

The news this morning on Steve Irwin’s death as he filmed a stingray is quite stunning. As many know I have a biology degree and once dreamed of living the life Steve Irwin was able to pursue and become famous doing. The animal world has lost a great and important advocate. Our prayers go out […]

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