Archive for September, 2006

Sep 26 2006

Democrats Losing CA Governor’s Race

The Governator is expanding his lead in CA to 17 points – which should rattle Democrats. All the Reps need is some credibility in CA to cripple Democrats in national elections. Without CA they have no hope at EC wins. The Angelides has made surrendering Iraq to Al Qaeda a major thrust of his campaign, […]

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Sep 26 2006

The Allen Handwringing

I am amazed at how conservative bloggers are giving credence to the sham attacks on Allen by the Webb campaign and Dems. Not a single poll is out showing the attacks have any credibility and there is a lesson to be learned here about VA politics. I may be naive and too much the native […]

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Sep 26 2006

Oh What A Tangled Webb We Weave…

When we set out to decieve. It seems the James Webb campaign is in serious trouble with the revelation of his sexist views as a young man regarding women in the military and their inherent leadership potential (in his case, his view they had no leadership potential). Why do I say this? Obvious coincidence. [links […]

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Sep 26 2006

Dems Promise Surrender Iraq To Al Qaeda

Its official folks – if the Dems win the House they promise to surrender Iraq to Al Qaeda. (Hopefuly the link will work again – but Rangel is on the record promising to cut Iraq funding if the Dems win the House).

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Sep 26 2006

The Full NIE

Published by under All General Discussions

While I am against leaks, it seems someone in the Intel Community has had it with the liberal-slanted leaks going to the NY Times and has provided some interesting (and apparently harmless) excerpts of the complete NIE to one of the blogosphere’s former spooks. Check out a fuller context of the NIE at In From […]

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Sep 26 2006

The Clinton Screw Up – And The ‘Unhinged’

Published by under All General Discussions

When I saw Clinton go off on Fox News Sunday I felt a bit of pity for a man who had been trapped in situation where his own weaknesses had been perfectly matched with the DC bureaucrats’ fear of doing anything bold and had realized later the opportunities he missed. Clinton was always, in my […]

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Sep 25 2006

That Great Steele Ad

Here is that excellent Micheal Steele ad I mentioned in an earlier post. Don’t you wish all ads were like this? I would call this the political ad of the entire 2006 election.

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Sep 25 2006

Iranian From Canada Training At US Flight School

Want to know how bad the bureaucracy of the federal government is? If a news report that an Iranian who is on the terrorist watch list was found to be taking flight lessons doesn’t get you upset, then how about the fact we cannot deport this person because he holds a Canadian passport! n a […]

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Sep 25 2006

Scratch One AQ Bigwig In Iraq

The British have scotched one of Al Qaeda’s major leaders in Iraq: BRITISH troops in Iraq said they had killed one of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s top global lieutenants, who escaped from a US prison in Afghanistan last year. Omar Faruq was shot dead while resisting arrest during a pre-dawn raid by about 200 […]

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Sep 25 2006

Iraqi PM Asks America To Reject Democrats

How else is one to take the latest Iraqi government request regarding the US efforts in Iraq: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, in an interview, asked for a long-term US military presence in Iraq, saying his country will need two permanent US air bases to deter “foreign interference.” “I think we will be in need of […]

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