Archive for September, 2006

Sep 22 2006

Democrat’s Shade Truth On FISA-NSA

The Democrats come limping into this fall’s elections attempting to show how they protect America by dismantling our anti-terrorist programs because someplace along the way they decided Bush is a bigger threat to us than Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Case in point is the usually stalwart top anti-terrorist Democrat in the House on Intelligence, […]

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Sep 21 2006

Ex CIA Manager: Embrace Islamo Fascists!

Published by under All General Discussions

Want to know why we missed all the warning signs leading up to 9-11? Well, begin with the realization we didn’t miss them and then figure out that some in the CIA felt the US was so impotent that our cause is a lost cause. Check out what this recently retired ‘CIA expert’ on the […]

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Sep 21 2006

McCain & Graham Surrender: We Can Interrogate Terrorists

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It seems that I was correct, all that talk about Bush capitulating to McCain and Graham and other lost Republican Senators was pure spin. Since Bush and Hayden are cheering the ‘compromise’ for clarifying what is legal actions in aggressive interrogations, defining the vague Geneva Convention McCain and Graham and Powell all said should never […]

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Sep 21 2006

Did Libby Judge Show Fitzgerald The Exit?

I have always suspected that the Judge in the Libby case was rapidly loosing confidence and trust with Fitzgerald as his terribly weak and completely misguided case came clearer and clearer. The Armitage news basically scuttled the entire case because the leaking of Valerie Plame’s indentity, wife of Joe Wilson serial liar and Kerry campaign […]

9 responses so far

Sep 21 2006

Democrat Political Suicide In Virginia

The media really stepped into it when they tried to make Sen Allen feel uncomfortable because his mom was raised Jewish (which means the media sees being Jewish as embarrassing). A view that is clearly held by Webb democrat supporters who have gone overboard making fun of Allen’s Jewish roots even though his Jewish roots […]

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Sep 21 2006

“Bush Gets Wins On Terror…”

The title of this post a snippet (it doesn’t include the last word “bills”) from an interesting article from the Baltimore Sun. On an initial glance one would think administration has nabbed a terrorist leader, or stopped another attack in progress. Did we get a lead on Bin Laden? Did we make huge progress in […]

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Sep 21 2006

Clear Republican Momentum Appearing

The reminder of our perilous threat in the news of the foiled UK Airline Terror Plot, followed by the President’s work on the stump to argue his positions on Iraq and the War on terror, combined with much better economic news, has created measurable momentum for the Republicans coming into the home stretch for the […]

11 responses so far

Sep 21 2006

Bad Actors On The Left

There are two ways to interpret the title of this post. One is to think of that fat clown Hugp “look at me” Chavez and see the epitome of lefty anger at being marginalized by a great President, George W Bush. Chavez speech at the UN was pathetic on multiple levels. First off, it sounded […]

16 responses so far

Sep 20 2006

Fearing Our Government More Than Terrorists

The news media in this country really has trouble with the idea the President has power. Any use of power bothers them, even though they regularly abuse their power through biased and ignorant reporting. So am I surprised the Washington Post is concerned the President has Constitutional Powers which cannot be constricted by the legislative […]

37 responses so far

Sep 19 2006

Senate Figleaves Being Handed Out In Xtra Large CYA Size

Published by under All General Discussions

The NY Times is spinning like a whirling dervish trying to claim a compromise on codifying what is allowable in interrogations (obviously in light of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention which says we cannot hurt the pride or feelings of fanatical murderers hellbent on mass murder) is not actually codifying was is allowable […]

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