Archive for November 15th, 2006

Nov 15 2006

Extremists Are Rampaging

Published by under All General Discussions

While the far right is pushing for party purity and punishment to illegal immigrants (ignoring the entire war on terror issue), the far left is also out to show which party is the most extreme. The troop pullout demands show a liberal mindlessness that is stunning. And the fact the Clintonistas want to purge the […]

49 responses so far

Nov 15 2006

Good Democrat Idea

Published by under All General Discussions

Here’s a winner from the Dems – yep, new blood can bring in some good ideas. We should never out-source law enforcement to companies. Never.

15 responses so far

Nov 15 2006

Republicans Losing It

Update: Tony Blankley takes a stab at how to proceed as well. Let me say this about conservatism as I see it. It stands for the sanctity of life and the sanctity of this country. Everything else flows from there. Small government? Freedom to live your life. It is not enough to have life, we […]

88 responses so far