Archive for January, 2007

Jan 04 2007

Bin Laden Not Talking To Mullah Omar

Mullah Omar, head of the Afghan Taliban until the US ousted them in response to 9-11, claims he has not seen or heard from Bin Laden for years. Is he being honest? Who knows. But it is worth noting that Bin Laden’s greatest ally and protector seems to have not heard from him for some […]

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Jan 04 2007

Jetliner Puzzle – Terrorism?

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In a previous post I pondered the likelihood that a missing Indonesian commercial airliner, with 102 people on board, was the work of Terrorists. Given the fact Indonesia was on high alert for a terrorist attack and the fact the plane went missing while it was cruising at 35,000 feet, I figured weather was not […]

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Jan 04 2007


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The amazing video Drudge has up of something burning up as it enters our atmosphere over Denver is amazing (here and here). One thing I can tell you is it was not small. To burn for that long means it was not small when it first entered our atmosphere. I looked to be the size […]

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Jan 04 2007

More On Litvinenko Polonium Trail

I decided to go back and review all the Health Protection Agency (HPA) notices that have come out since Litvinenko’s death and the realization he was poisoned by Polonium 210 to see what other details may have been hidden in these announcements. I was not dissappointed. In fact I suggest you read to the end, […]

28 responses so far

Jan 03 2007

Sheehan Dogs Democrats

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Think the nutroots, liberal left will let the Dems quietly ignore the Iraq war and Bush impeachment? Think again! Fox has more, and they have a video [H/T Drudge]

13 responses so far

Jan 03 2007

4th Hotel Linked To Polonium-210 Trail

Update: Some corrections. The dates of the known Lugovoi trips to meet Litvinenko and which show Polonium are Oct 16th, Oct 25th and Oct- Nov 1. Here is my post on the reporting on the authorities finally admitting these events appear to be smuggling efforts. Here is the list of contaminated sites and people I […]

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Jan 03 2007

Olbermann Overboard

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The sacrifice of one’s life for their country is not meaningless or a waste. But tell that to the ever emotionally immature Keith Olbermann. He apparently went on another one of his wigged out diatribes (you know, where the host of a ratings-disaster show on a ratings-disaster network pretends he is equal to the President […]

15 responses so far

Jan 03 2007

US Targets Al Qaeda In Iraq

I sure hope no Democrat is dumb enough to repeat the myth there are no Al Qaeda in Iraq after yesterday’s successful raids. But then I hope for a lot of things which probably are unrealistic in the end.

4 responses so far

Jan 03 2007

The Muslim Civil War Rages

We are actually seeing what could be the final battle for Al Qaeda and their ilk. The Muslim street is rising up – against the extremists. The battle is raging from Palestine to Beirut, Iraq and Afgahnistan. Three Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Wednesday in a series of daylight gun battles between Hamas and […]

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Jan 03 2007

1995 Oklahoma City Bombing And Terrorism

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I ran across this article which discusses a recent Congressional Report that highlights evidence that the OKC bombing in 1995 was supported by Islamo Fascist Terrorists. I plan to read this and possibly post on it later, but thought folks would be interested in reading it themselves. Update: All one needs to know about Clinton […]

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