Archive for January, 2007

Jan 21 2007

Ridiculous News Media On Litvinenko’s Poisining

Litvinenko was either the victim of an assassination or part of a smuggling effort that was moving Po-210 through London. Investigators have discovered Po-210 at three hotels which were used by Andrei Lugovoi on three trips in October. But the Po-210 was not found in one room (as would be the case with an assassin), […]

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Jan 21 2007

Is Fitzgerald On A Personal Vendetta?

It would seem Fitzgerald should be investigated for lying to the Federal Courts (Appeal Cour and US Supreme Court and whether his obsession with Libby, even in the face of Deputy Sec of State Armitage as the source of the Plame leak, was all an act of a personal vendetta. Two of the prosecutors who […]

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Jan 21 2007

Fly By 01/21/07

Published by under All General Discussions

Just a heads up folks, I will be on travel next week so posting will be lighter than usual. Some interesting news out today. The NY Times faces reality on the Libby trial, where the case against Libby hinges on him saying he discussed Plame with NBC’s Tim Russert, who says they never discussed Plame. […]

6 responses so far

Jan 21 2007

Why The Silent Treatment?

Why are

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Jan 21 2007

From The Duh! Files

The news media is all atwitter today that Hillary wants to be President. Well – Duh! Why did she pretend to be a NY resident so she could sit in a Senate seat for so many years and do what again? Think Hillary could stand up to Bin Laden? Think Hillary could keep her notorious […]

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Jan 20 2007

The Physics Of Po-210

The problem with the Po-210 aspect of the Litvinenko death is the mass numbers are hard to grasp. But they are critical to understand why there was probably no assassination. Let me establish some basic numbers first. A gram is equivalent to the contents of a pack of Splenda sweetener or sugar. Keep the gram […]

13 responses so far

Jan 20 2007

Litvinenko Assassination Theory Just About Eliminated

Published by under All General Discussions

This is a follow up to my previous post on the news that police are now publically admitting what I predicted a while ago: the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko took place in a 4th floor room of the Millenium Hotel, and not in the Hotel’s Pin Bar has had been assumed for many weeks now. […]

14 responses so far

Jan 19 2007

As AJStrata Predicted: Litvinenko Poisoned In Hotel Room!

Update: I have extended this topic in a second post above, for those interested. It discusses why this news eliminates the assassination theory as a possible explanation for Litvinenko’s death. – end update It seems the Litvinenko poisoning did take place inside a hotel room in the Mayfair hotel as I said it did, and […]

16 responses so far

Jan 19 2007

Greenwald Wakes Up And Gets A Clue

The notorious Glenn Greenwald, who will jump to a misconclusion like a penguin takes to cold water, is finally realizing that all his celebrations regarding the NSA terrorist surveillance program were all for naught: Maybe Bush didn’t back down on wiretaps Stop celebrating — it’s not yet clear whether the administration really intends to start […]

7 responses so far

Jan 19 2007

Mercury In LA Station, Link to Litvinenko?

The Litvinenko saga is still, disturbingly, unsolved with possibly (and probably) a significant amount of the extremely dangerous Po-210 still unaccounted for. One of the strangest late breaking stories related to the Litvinenko poisoning was out of Russia, where authorities were seeing a connection between Yukos-related oligarchs in exile and a series of potential Mercury […]

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