Archive for March 2nd, 2007

Mar 02 2007

Libby Jury Has “Doubt”

The jury deliberating the Scooter Libby case clearly have doubts regarding the prosecution’s claims, since they have asked for a definition of “reasonable doubt”: Jurors asked for the definition of “reasonable doubt” Friday after completing a shortened, eighth day of deliberations Friday in the perjury trial of ex-White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby. “We […]

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Mar 02 2007


Published by under All General Discussions

They must be running behind because George Will was talking when I took a break from the Exhibit Hall. Met James Joyner of Outside the Beltway and one of my favorite Governors from my home state Jim Gilmore. I am glad he is in the running for President and I could easily support him. Make […]

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Mar 02 2007


Published by under All General Discussions

Met Leon of Redstate (along with Erik) and it was great to see these guys in person. I had to laugh with them that my first Wikipedia entry was related to my being booted from Redstate. Rudy is about to speak and there are mixed feelings in this hard core republican crowd. The speech has […]

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Mar 02 2007


Published by under All General Discussions

Another great meet today, Pamela of Atlas Shrugs. Pamela is one of the few who have really understood the whole issue of the nuclear threat surrounding the Litvinenko incident. Pamela graciously asked if I would do a radio interview with her on the subject and I plan to. Will let you know when we schedule […]

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Mar 02 2007


Published by under All General Discussions

Well, bloggers row is much larger and nicer than last year, and there are a lot of drive-by bloggers like myself here. Fortunately I have a high speed modem in my cell phone so I can “plug in” anywhere. Right now crouched across for blogger’s row since chair’s and internet connections are at a premium. […]

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Mar 02 2007


Published by under All General Discussions

Well, here at CPAC in the exhibit hall and met Michelle Malkin at the Hot Air booth (she got the primo spot right up front as you walk in). And I met the person I came down to CPAC to meet, Ed Morrissey. He is more of a gentleman in person than on the web […]

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Mar 02 2007

Heading To CPAC

Published by under All General Discussions

Folks, on the Metro to DC to do a morning live blog at CPAC. Will be posting around 10:30 AM – then back to my real job.

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