Archive for May 4th, 2007

May 04 2007

Adult Stem Cell Therapy For Heart Attacks


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May 04 2007

Dems Lunatic Fringe

Just when you think the Dems have done all the idiocy conceivable their creative, lunatic minds come up with this: Senior House Republicans are complaining about Democrats’ plans to divert “scarce” intelligence funds to study global warming. The House next week will consider the Democrat-crafted Intelligence Authorization bill, which includes a provision directing an assessment […]

11 responses so far

May 04 2007

More Iraq Success

Seems to be the week for big successes in Iraq. With Anbar lost to al Qaeda (which is the Western side of the Sunni triangle running to Syria’s border) the flow of jihadis and material is definitely slowing: U.S. forces in Iraq are stemming the flow of foreign al Qaeda terrorists into the country, the […]

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May 04 2007

When Will Leiberman Bolt The Dems? How Many US Deaths Will It Take?

I keep wondering when Sen Joe Leiberman will end the fiasco over the war in Iraq. With Clinton and Byrd now planning to end the war authorization(they can’t – those pesky Presidential vetoes again) Leiberman should be near his breaking point. Of course, it could be he is not willing to make the leap. But […]

7 responses so far

May 04 2007

al Qaeda Loses Another Capitol Of Its Caliphate

added the link! If this war was being reported on honestly, then the Surrendermedia would be noting that al Qaeda has lost its second declared capitol of its exhaulted Caliphate – centered in Iraq. When al Qaeda ran Anbar Province Ramadi was designated as the modern Caliphate’s capitol city. Anbar and Ramadi have been purged […]

14 responses so far

May 04 2007

Al Qaeda Targets Little Girls

We all know the Islamo Fascists of al Qaeda are so sexually prudish (and clearly unstable) that they have to outlaw which vegetables are sitting next to each other for fear they may have a sinful thought. But the level of irrelevance these fascists put on the fairer sex is beyond comprehension at times. Their […]

5 responses so far

May 04 2007

The Iraq The SurrenderMedia Failed To Show Us

In a very poignant piece in the WaPo today an Iraqi asks America to finish what it started, to fulfill its promises and not allow al Qaeda to take our successes to date and turn them into the next Holocaust simply because the Surrendercrats have no stomach for facing down Islam Fascists: Last weekend a […]

2 responses so far

May 04 2007

Imposters Of Science

I really despise imposters and charlatans. I despise the lies and the tricks they pull on innocent people, and I do not care how good their intentions may be. People who pretend to know what they are talking about when they are simply kidding themselves are more than just wrong. And in this category falls […]

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