Jun 11 2007
Apple Does It Again
Man, the new I-Phone from Apple is really cool! Looks like something out of Star Wars or Star Trek. More here.
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Jun 11 2007
Man, the new I-Phone from Apple is really cool! Looks like something out of Star Wars or Star Trek. More here.
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Jun 11 2007
I had to run a quick errand and decided to do a check in Rush today. I have been off talk radio for a while (and man, is it nice). Anyway, Rush was trying to pin the blame for the stalled immigration bill on Harry Reid and divert accusations that the loss of the bill […]
Jun 11 2007
Bill O’Reilly once claimed sending the National Guard to our border would help stem the tide of illegals. Others have claimed strengthening the border is all we need to do to fix our problems. I guess this story pretty much destroys those naive fantasies: Three National Guardsmen assigned to help authorities stop illegal immigration along […]
Jun 11 2007
Seems the ground swell of opposition to the immigration bill might be receding, if Florida is any indication: More than half of those polled – 58 percent – didn’t believe illegal immigrants take jobs away from citizens but rather do work no one else wants to do. … The poll found strong support for elements […]
Jun 11 2007
As Denver sees its coldest summer in 50 years (defying the global warming theories) it is also embarking on how to make things even colder: Denver is gearing up to fight global warming, and residents may soon be asked to make personal sacrifices to help save the planet. The new plan is aimed at making […]
Jun 11 2007
Well, it seems we will have another chance to test the true nature of the far right and its respect for diversity of views and living under a democracy. ABC World News said Bush “will be greeted by a host of political problems” on his return — among them the President’s effort to “win over […]
Jun 11 2007
Science has a way of solving our problems, and usually can do it within normal moral guidelines if given the chance to work without hype and speculation from the science-challenged media. Case in point, a potentially unlimited supply of stem cells from skin – the one organ that regenerates constantly and which can be harvested […]
Jun 11 2007
I agree with Sen Joe Lieberman and his views on Iran (and I suspect there is a under-the-table diplomatic warning that is basically of the same nature that has gone out to Iran): Sen. Joe Lieberman says the United States should be prepared to take “aggressive military action” against Iran in response to its purported […]
Jun 11 2007
Americans are getting fed up with the pointless bickering in DC. They are leaving both parties in droves and they are getting ready for a house (and Senate) cleaning in 2008. Why? Because of things like this: Some Republican senators are bristling over the Democrat’s tactics over the expected no-confidence vote Monday on U.S. Attorney […]
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Jun 11 2007
With the far right in this country calling Presidente Jorge a ‘traitor’ who should be impeached (violating Reagan’s 11th commandment) and the far left calling Bushitler a ‘traitor’ who should be impeached, it is no surprise Bush has to go to Albania to get some open sings of support. Of course Bush has a hard […]