Archive for February, 2008

Feb 16 2008

Updates On Success In Iraq

Some interesting articles I ran across for the weekend reading (though I intend to be out and about mostly). Seems General Patraeus is, for once, cautiously upbeat about what we have achieved in Iraq: If you’re looking for one measure of the impact of last year’s troop surge in Iraq, look at Gen. David Petraeus […]

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Feb 15 2008

Assassinated Hezbollah Terrorist Was Planning Large Terrorist Attack, Are Democrats Risking The Lives Of Our Military?

There are reports that the Hezbollah terrorist recently assassinated in Damascus was in the stages of planning a huge attack against other Arab states, probably with the assistance of the Iranians: A Kuwaiti newspaper reports that Hizbullah terrorist chief Imad Mughniyeh, who was killed in a car-bomb attack in Damascus on Tuesday, was in the […]

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Feb 15 2008

In Time Of War Dems Pushing To Investigate Americans, But Not Terrorists

This nation is fed up with hyper-partisan crap, especially attempts to smear the other party for simply exercising what has been normal government power. To illustrate that the Surrendercrat Party is still not a mature or serious offering of leadership the Democrat Congress is going to do two things this week: (1) they targeted US […]

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Feb 14 2008

Will Obama & The Surrendercrats Leave Iraq To Be A Launching Pad To Attack Israel?

Published by under All General Discussions

The Democrats have a real problem regarding their policy to retreat from Iraq post-haste. And that problem is that the only other group who would see this approach as a benefit is al-Qaeda themselves. Thankfully the two camps (Surrendercrats and Islamo Fascists) are not really on the same side (though it is hard to tell […]

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Feb 14 2008

Iraq Progress Update

I noted yesterday that Iraq had made huge legislative progress on their road to a stable victory over al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. But I missed one interesting point that came out in a new story today – October elections. This was found in a grudging editorial from the NY Times on the successes in Iraq: […]

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Feb 14 2008

Can The Dems Lose Voters? On National Security They Do

Nothing has been predicted in 2008, and nothing can be predicted – except the year will go down as the one which was completely unpredictable. The reason? The war on terror. When making their prognostications pollsters and political talking heads are used to a level of broad and slow momentum in the culture that includes […]

26 responses so far

Feb 13 2008

Massive Political Progress In Iraq Proves Democrats Dead Wrong On Surge Success

The liberal Surrendercrats in Congress have kept trying to move the goal posts to make the lame and idiotic case that the Surge and Awakening in Iraq has been a failure. Their last vestige for trying to pull defeat out of success was the claim political reconciliation had not (yet) occurred and that was the […]

12 responses so far

Feb 13 2008

Are We Seeing ‘Reagan Democrats’ Becoming ‘McCain Democrats’?

Are we seeing Reagan Democrats becoming McCain Democrats?: Gallup: McCain wins more Democrats than Obama wins Republicans? And if this is happening, and McCain gets conservative Dems and Independents is this a bad thing? Maybe to the ‘conservatives in exile’, but for the country I would think it would be enormously good news.

32 responses so far

Feb 13 2008

Updates On The War On Terror

I found two insightful pieces today – and one that is so hypocritical and ironic you would think it was a spoof. First to the ‘must reads’ for the day. Secretary of State Condi Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates outline an objective assessment of where we all need to go now in Iraq […]

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Feb 13 2008

Obama Votes To Protect Terrorists From Surveillance

Barack “Big Bird” Obama is not going to be as tough to beat as some fear. Right now he is the agent of “change”, but America saw how that vague concept can represent “change for the worse” with the Democrat Congress that won in 2006. Obama is part of that failed Congress and Americans are […]

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