Archive for February, 2008

Feb 13 2008

Another Deadly Terrorist Sent To Meet Allah

The world is a slightly better place today with word that another deadly terrorist has been killed: A Hezbollah commander suspected in some of the deadliest terrorist attacks of the last 25 years and a reputed role model for Osama bin Laden has been killed in Syria, Hezbollah TV said Wednesday. Imad Mughniyeh died in […]

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Feb 13 2008

McCain’s Win In VA Pretty Big at +11%

Even I was not ready to see this big a win in VA for McCain. With 97.65% of precincts in McCain is ahead 50.86% to 39.68% for Huckabee, which is good 11% win. Not to mention over 50% for McCain in basically a two man race. Time to be a party against liberal defeatism, or […]

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Feb 12 2008

Obama On Iraq Is Like Big Bird On Iraq

In his speech tonight Obama said Bush-McCain will continue “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized!” I could not help finish his thought for him: “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized, and never should have been won! Vote for me and we […]

12 responses so far

Feb 12 2008

McCain & Huckabee In VA: Unity Has Power – Live Blogging The Potomac Primaries

VA: McCain Big Win (+8-9%), Obama Crushing Win (+~27%) There’s a minor battle brewing in VA. It seems the social conservatives have come out in large numbers in the western part of the state (more my roots than outside DC where I live). Exit polls show over 50% of GOP voters think McCain is not […]

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Feb 12 2008

Hannity & Gingrich, Conservatives In “Exile”

Another day, another whine from conservative talk radio. Hannity and Speaker Newt Gringrich were talking today about how they are now “conservatives in exile” – which means they no longer consider themselves Republicans. Clearly they see something not apparent to the rest of regarding the fortunes of the hyper-right in this nation. Why else basically […]

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Feb 12 2008

FISA-Freedom Day

I have written extensively on the the NY Times’ and liberal lies about the roles of the NSA and FISA in protecting this nation and how those roles had to be corrected in the wake of 9-11. The lie told by the NY Times was that the NSA was ‘bypassing’ FISA, but in reality it […]

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Feb 12 2008

Great, Now The Global Warming Mad-Hatters Are Calling Me A Terrorist

Hyperventilating never works. And ignorant people hyperventilating is just plain ugly. Mike Bloomberg shows once again it don’t take brains to get rich as he compares what is in all likelihood a natural, solar driven phenomena to Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda: While he acknowledged that scientists are unable to predict its consequences, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday compared […]

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Feb 12 2008

On The Trail Of al-Qaeda’s Leaders In Pakistan

Wild speculation alert! I could not help but note something in a Washington Post article on a recently captured Taliban Leader: A top Taliban commander in Afghanistan who claimed close ties to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was captured Monday in southwestern Pakistan, according to a Pakistani military official. … Last year, Dadullah took command […]

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Feb 12 2008

Updates From Iraq

Some news from Iraq that was missed by the presidential race-horse obsessed media. As we have seen many times in the past al-Qaeda is running out of holy warriors willing to be suicide bombers or even be fighters. They have recently been trying to recruit and train young children – as if these poor waifs […]

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Feb 11 2008

Is Bin Laden Dead?

Time again for another round of “Is Bin Laden Dead”? U.S. intelligence agencies are beginning to suspect that Al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden is dead after all, despite a recent audio tape exhorting Al Qaida terrorists in Iraq. … The new analysis of Bin Laden follows the death of No. 3 Al Qaida leader […]

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