Archive for February, 2008

Feb 11 2008

al-Qaeda Fleeing Iraq

Another day another clear indication that al-Qaeda is near defeat. In a previous post it was clear money and recruits were drying up for al-Qaeda as Iraqi Muslims turned on them to hunt them down and rid Iraq of Bin Laden’s thugs. And as the operational area for al-Qaeda shrinks and is surrounded by US […]

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Feb 11 2008

Huckabee’s Boomlet Is Over, Can Conservatives Lose Gracefully?

Want to know who will win the VA, MD and DC GOP primaries handily? It won’t be Huckabee, it will be McCain. The polls show McCain romping in these states who will vote tomorrow see (RCP polls for VA and MD). So when Huckabee is blown out of the South in VA will the delusional […]

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Feb 11 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up IV

The Democrat’s potential crack-up at their convention is real and has a lot of people concerned. Here is a brief round up of the dire situation facing a fading Clinton effort, who will do anything to hold onto power. First up, liberal loose cannon Frank Rich goes after the Clintons and some of their more […]

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Feb 11 2008

Another Taliban Leader Captured In Pakistan

It would seem the Taliban sanctuaries in Pakistan are not all that secure, indicated by how another, newly-minted Taliban has been captured: Pakistani security forces wounded and captured a prominent Taliban commander on Monday near the border area with Afghanistan, Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz said. Mullah Mansour Dadullah took over as commander of Taliban forces […]

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Feb 10 2008

al-Qaeda On Last Legs In Iraq According To AQ Documents

Even al-Qaeda is finally admitting what the US SurrenderMedia and Surrendercrats (a.k.a, Democrats) cannot admit: al-Qaeda is on its last legs in Iraq and our victory is getting closer by the day. In the words of our enemies: Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an “extraordinary crisis”. Last year’s mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to […]

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Feb 10 2008

Pakistanis “Awaken” And Turn On Al-Qaeda & Taliban

We saw the same pattern in Iraq. Initial reports of a resurgent al-Qaeda turned over time to reports of locals rising up against al-Qaeda. In Iraq it was initiated through a movement now called the Anbar Awakening. And as I posted yesterday there are signs all over the place the same pattern is occurring in […]

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Feb 10 2008

The End Of Hyper-Partisanship

Some folks are starting to finally awaken to the theme of this election cycle – and it is to stay out of the partisan fringes. One Washington Post article notes clear and unambiguous poll data highlighting the trend: n fact, there’s a simple reason why the chattering classes have so consistently called this election wrong. […]

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Feb 10 2008

Brit Hume’s Message To “True” Conservatives: Give McCain Space To Operate

Published by under All General Discussions

McCain and Huckabee basically tied the LA and WA races, and Huckabee got a huge win in KS. So it seems the “true” conservatives are still in the ‘any one but McCain’ mood if you look at the numbers. Which is why I liked what Brit Hume said this morning on the Fox News Sunday […]

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Feb 10 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up III

Obama’s stunning wins over Hillary Saturday were impressive in vote margin, but marginal in terms of how little he was able to gain: While Mr. Obama had been expected to win the contests on Saturday, the margin of victories were surprising, particularly in Washington, a predominately white state where he captured 57 percent of the […]

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Feb 09 2008

Huckabee Win In KS Shows GOP Elites Not Ready For McCain

What does a caucus win in KS by Huckabee mean? Same thing all those caucus wins on Super Tuesday meant for Romney – nothing much. Until Huckabee wins primaries (and he has a shot in VA this Tuesday, but I doubt he will win it) all this shows is the continued resistance of the GOP […]

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