Archive for March, 2008

Mar 16 2008

Chris Dodd Indicates Sinking Obama

Chris Dodd was on Fox News Sunday and just completely bumbled the Reverend Wright issue, which is a sign of how the issue is tanking Obama’s chances. Dodd could not answer why Obama has stayed around Wright for years, and answer why the words of this minister were not denounced much early much stronger. Clearly […]

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Mar 15 2008

How al-Qaeda Is Losing Islam, Sending Support To America

al-Qaeda’s core misjudgment has always been the masses are impressed or cowed by violence. They are neither really. Like any creature that is threatened violence can erupt from the most peaceful at heart if survival is at stake. And while some are cowed, many others become angry and motivated when threatened. al-Qaeda naively believes that […]

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Mar 15 2008

Obama Felled By Racism

Gateway Pundit asked a great question after posting the crap from Obama’s ‘spiritual advisor’: There are tons of these videos coming out and, in combination to Michelle Obama’s comments about this being the first time in her life she is proud of America, we can see what is going to kill Obama’s chance for becoming […]

19 responses so far

Mar 14 2008

The Clear Connections Between Iraq And al-Qaeda

Addendum: I have to emphasize that the connection discovered between Saddam’s Iraq and AQ’s Number 2 Zawahiri is more than enough of a smoking gun to realize AQ and Saddam’s Iraq were poised to bring on future 9-11s together – if they wanted to. And all indications are they wanted to, as long as it […]

11 responses so far

Mar 14 2008

When Religious Guidance Influences A Candidate

Let’s take a trip down memory lane regarding the left and George Bush’s religion background: Like a born-again Mr. Magoo, Bush seems to have blundered through his first gubernatorial campaign making naive mistakes that he somehow turned to his advantage. While giving an interview to Ken Herman of the Houston Post, Bush casually reflected on […]

22 responses so far

Mar 14 2008

As Expected: Tancredo Too Radical Even For His Own District

I had my suspicions that Tancredo left Congress because he was too much of an immigration hypochondriac for even his own district. Seems I was right: Colorado’s 6th Congressional District is the pulsing heart of state Republicans’ anger over illegal immigration. This is the political home from which Rep. Tom Tancredo launched a presidential run […]

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Mar 14 2008

Why The Rare Closed Session On FISA?

The extremely rare closed session of Congress last night on FISA is intriguing, if not just for its historic nature: House Republicans succeeded Thursday in delaying the vote by one day by requesting a rare, late-night closed session of Congress to discuss the bill. It was the first secret session of the House in a […]

12 responses so far

Mar 14 2008

Where Did Spitzer Get His Fun-Money?

Published by under All General Discussions

As I posted when the news broke about Eliot Spitzer’s dalliances in illegal activities while he was supposedly prosecuting the very crimes he was participating in there was a clear concern his activities could be seen as a bribe of some kind. Clearly he stayed away from prosecuting the one prostitution ring he was using […]

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Mar 14 2008

US Stepping Up Actions Against Terrorists In Pakistan

As I expected the Spring Offensive has begun – but it is the US and allied forces who are on the move and hunting down terrorists. The US has struck again at targets inside the tribal areas of Pakistan: A decisive Coalition strike against a high-level meeting of Taliban-linked insurgents on March 12 took place […]

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Mar 13 2008

Updates On The War On Terror In Afghanistan

Seems we have been on the move in two areas in Afghanistan. First are efforts to take the battle to the militant Taliban hideouts: US-led coalition forces killed nearly a dozen Taliban militants in raids on rebel hideouts in dangerous southern Afghanistan, the coalition said in a statement on Thursday. Coalition forces were searching compounds […]

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