Archive for May, 2008

May 03 2008

The Best Finally Arrives! Iron Man

Published by under All General Discussions

I have been an Iron Man fan forever, so I am looking forward to the new movie. My 18 year old has seen it already and has given it rave reviews (if he likes it I will love it). One of the family’s favorite games on the PS3 is Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance where up to […]

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May 03 2008

Using Evidence Of Proxy War Iraq Calls Iran’s Bluff

Here were I think things stand behind the diplomacy scenes between Iran, Iraq and the US. It has become clear from the Iraqi crackdown on the militant Mahdi Army, led somewhat by anti-American, anti-democracy Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, that Iran has been also a key force behind the Mahdi Army in terms of weapons, training […]

13 responses so far

May 02 2008

Whose Credibility Is Shot In The World From The War On Terror?

After nearly 7 years of war since 9-11 it is worth sitting back and seeing whose credibility is shot after all the give and take over the years. I want to start by pointing to an article that Ed Morrissey discussed today to highlight this topic. Ed Morrissey notes that ‘credence’ (street ‘cred) for the […]

26 responses so far

May 01 2008

Rev Wright’s Wicked Revenge Is Destroying Barack In NC

Bumped To The Top – Major Update: This has been one successful hit job by Wright (and others?) on Obama because all the polls are showing major drops for Obama. Check out the Gallup Daily tracking poll and how Obama has been hammered this week: Wright and Clinton supporter Dr Reynolds must be so proud […]

17 responses so far

May 01 2008

About Those Casualty Statistics From Iraq

April was a tough month for US forces in Iraq. While the death toll is at incredibly low historic levels for conflicts like this, the fact is military action is being taken against the last large Islamo Fascist threat in Iraq – the Mahdi Army. Armed and trained by Iran and working for a crazy […]

7 responses so far

May 01 2008

The Global Climate Is Cooling, But It’s Still Global Warming!

You know, when you take your entire reputation out on a limb of speculation it is sometimes impossible to admit you screwed up and humbly crawl back off it. That seems to be the case with the Global Warming crowd because now someone is claiming we will see a decade of overall cooling in the […]

16 responses so far

May 01 2008

Watch For Delegate Blowback

The Party Machine is out and taking the vote from the voters in the Democrat contest. Super Delegate endorsements are flying fast and furious as the party realizes their two candidates are taking damage and their supporters are becoming entrenched. A leader of the Democratic Party under Bill Clinton has switched his allegiance to Barack […]

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