Archive for May, 2008

May 16 2008

New look, Be Patient

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Well AJ is so excited about showing off the new site, you’d think it was Xmas. I’m going to officially declare no more posts or comments at midnight tonight. I will try to have the final batch of posts/comments moved by midday on Saturday, so be patient. Thanks for your wonderful support of the Strata-Sphere! […]

12 responses so far

May 16 2008

Clinton Camp Digs Down Into The Muck

Rumors of a devastating tape of Michelle Obama are being spread by the Clinton shock troops: And from whence does it come. Well from Hillary Clinton supporter and somewhat veracity-challenged Larry Johnson, at “No Quarter”, who, quite naturally, implies it is the Republicans (but seems quite happy about the possible result none-the-less) playing this card: […]

25 responses so far

May 16 2008

Cry Baby Obama

Boy, Obama sure is looking the fool over his Surrendercrat plan to run from Iraq and talk to Iran and al-Qaeda (can we all just get along). Bush rightfully noted how history has shown ‘talking’ doesn’t work when dealing with blood-thirsty and suicidal extremists. And how does Obama respond? He cries ‘unfair’! Barack Obama rebuked […]

43 responses so far

May 16 2008

Conservatives Being Wooed By Both Parties, More Opportunities For Progress

Glenn Reynolds asks an interesting question today: SO IF THE REPUBLICANS ARE IN TROUBLE, WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO HAPPY? I’m at the NRA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. I haven’t been to a big gun event in probably a decade, and the change in mood is striking: People are, well . . . not ebullient, […]

37 responses so far

May 16 2008

Liberal Media Show For The Gullible

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So it seems liberals found a soldier who would be happy to play a starring role in their made-for-TV production of “Bush’s Illegal War”, wherein the poor, uneducated, desperate hick from the country is seduced into protecting his company, tricked into fighting an ‘illegal’ war – a war Congress authorized and has funded for 5 […]

9 responses so far

May 16 2008

Updates On The War In Iraq 05_16_08

In the weeds today so some short posts on news you may not have seen on events in Iraq. This article out of Europe has a reasonably good history, and well detailed overview of the Sadr/Mahdi Army conflict in Iraq. Interestingly these folks conclude the Sadrist have been crippled and Maliki strengthened, when all is […]

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May 15 2008

3rd Anniversary For Strata-Sphere On May 18th

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The Strata-Sphere is turning 3 years old on May 18th, and we have a nice surprise coming for the big day. The Strata-Sphere is going to get a long overdue makeover, we hope everyone will like it. However, the change will mean turning off comments for a day so we don’t lose anything during the […]

14 responses so far

May 15 2008

When Religious Myths Are Destroyed, Why Islamo Fascism Is On The Brink

Want to get a taste of what is happening in the Middle East when Sunnis broke with al-Qaeda, when Shiites broke with Sadr and the Mahdi Army, when Afghans broke with the Taliban. There is nothing more shattering than to have the belief system that underpins your life and soul shattered. There is nothing like […]

20 responses so far

May 15 2008

US Takes Out al-Qaeda Group In Pakistan

With all eyes on the elections and how Iraq is doing with the Sadrists and Mahdi Army I totally missed the news that the US took out an al-Qaeda group in Pakistan: At least a dozen militants including foreign fighters were killed Wednesday in a suspected US missile strike on two houses in northwestern Pakistan, […]

2 responses so far

May 15 2008

Bush Smacks Down Obama And Dems On Their Surrender-At-All-Cost Plans For Iraq

President Bush took off the gloves and laid one right on the kisser of Barack Obama and his Surrendercrat policy for Iraq: “Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along,” said Bush, in what White House aides privately […]

39 responses so far

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