Archive for February, 2009

Feb 08 2009

Congressional Budget Office: No Need For Stimulus Package

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Well, well, well. It seems someone in DC has been keeping secrets from the American people. One has to guess that liberal law makers teamed up with the liberal media to promulgate the lie that we need to spend (actually borrow against future generations) $1 trillion to save the economy. It is a lie, because […]

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Feb 08 2009

Team Obama Broadcasts Intelligence Plans To Terrorists!

Is there no end to the stupidity the new administration will demonstrate to the world? One thing no one would argue is that President George W Bush kept this country safe. And his team did so by quietly – well outside the limelight – chasing down our enemies and disrupting their plans. He did this […]

8 responses so far

Feb 08 2009

President Obama Is Importing Terrorists?

  Is the man insane!?!? By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.The “presidential determination” which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and […]

3 responses so far

Feb 08 2009

Need A Job Comrade?

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  The socialists are definitely running the nuthouse in DC. President Obama, in the middle of the worst recession in a couple of decades (not the Great Depression as the President likes to exaggerate) has decided to destroy the construction industry by blocking 84% of the companies from the money in the stimulus pork-a-thon package: […]

9 responses so far

Feb 07 2009

Stop Spending, Cut Taxes! America Speaks

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Americans came out with a surprise message to the Democrats and President Obama in a recent CBS News poll – a message surprising not being reported on by the news media. The stunning message concerns what is the better path out of recession: Federal Spending or Tax Cuts. The response was strongly towards tax cuts […]

15 responses so far

Feb 07 2009

Orwell’s 1984 Finally Arrives

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  President Obama is pulling a Tom Delay – so claims the Washington Post at least. The comparison comes by the fact that in Texas Delay pushed a legal legislative process to re-align Congressional districts that had been so far out of line they did no reflect the views of most Texans. The history rewrite […]

6 responses so far

Feb 07 2009

“Stimulus” Bill A Cruel Joke On America

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Update: Reader Crosspatch noted this Rasmussen poll which shows stunning losses in support for  President Obama in less than a month in office. What is striking is that he his losing support among independents and democrats at a pretty hefty rate. Rassmussen subtracts strong unfavorable from the strong favorable number to get an idea of […]

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Feb 06 2009

George Bush Left Pakistan/Afghanistan Very Winnable

There are indications that President Bush not only left Iraq a success Obama simply needs to finalize safely, but he also left al Qaeda – hold up in Pakistan hiding – on the brink of destruction as well: After one of the latest U.S. Predator attacks in North Waziristan, a Taliban subcommander visited the site. He’s seen […]

6 responses so far

Feb 06 2009

Young, Innocent New Born Killed At Birth

  Don’t think some people are more robot than human? Don’t think some people see others as literally disposable resources? Then read about the horrific incident in an abortion clinic in Florida: Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her […]

9 responses so far

Feb 05 2009

Liberal Arrogance Implodes Democrats

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The so called stimulus package being considered by Congress is collapsing in an implosion of reality. People are starting to focus on the make up of the bill, which apparently President Obama wants us to ignore. He knows it is in trouble, so he has claimed we should close our lying eyes, ignore the details […]

20 responses so far

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