Archive for May 8th, 2009

May 08 2009

The Imperial Obama

Published by under All General Discussions

It is common for newbie administrations to come into town with grand ideas of how they can control and change America. It usually only takes a few bruising encounters with reality to adjust their thinking. But Imperial Obama administration has no credible opposition and fawning and compliant news media (what is left of it). So […]

30 responses so far

May 08 2009

AJStrata Has Been “Deputized” By Congress! – Updated

Update: Ed Morrissey notes (H/T reader Darth Aggie) that the only reason the April numbers were not the 6th month of 600,000+ job losses is because 72,000 low paying, temporary census jobs hid the true toll of the lack of any federal stimulus. These few gains were offset by adjustments for previous months were more […]

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