Archive for September, 2009

Sep 02 2009

The Bad News Keeps Coming

Major Update Below! I could never understand why Democrats loved the Clintons after they completely decimated the Democrats’ political hold on power in DC. Clinton went into DC with huge majorities in Congress (as did Obama) and by the first midterm had created such a backlash in the country that the Democrats were run out […]

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Sep 02 2009

Lost Opportunity – Far Left Will Rise Up And Destroy Dems

Team Obama really is incredibly naive. They spent all year in the background on all their key issues by letting lose the fanatical left wing of the party to run amok on the faux stimulus bill, taxing energy to battle science fiction BS and to destroy the world’s premier health care system and replace it […]

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Sep 01 2009


CNN came out with a truly crushing poll for Obama and the Democrats in Congress. As I noted in an earlier post, the 1994 Congressional drubbing the Dems took over Hillarycare is nothing compared to what they will reap over Obamacare and Obamanomics in 2010. The one thing that probably cushioned Bill Clinton’s from an […]

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Sep 01 2009

The Rejection Of President Obama

I have to admit, while I opposed him in the election I had hoped my concerns over President Obama’s inexperience and far left tendencies would not be a major handicap for the man. Sadly, I was right – the President’s naive team has pretty much wasted all his political capitol and he and the Democrats […]

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Sep 01 2009

Start Over On Bipartisan Health Care

Democrats are about to do in 7 months what it took the GOP to do in 7 years, and that is piss off and offend the independent center of this nation’s electorate to the point the centrists vote them out of power with gusto. It is a multi-pronged problem, but it’s central force is an […]

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