Dec 05 2010
Hope Springs Eternal
Could not help but pass this one on. Sit back and be amazed.
Dec 04 2010
I really, really, really want my tax dollars back so I can spend the money on necessities instead of watching the liberal left fritter it away on complete nonsense. While the economy remains in a heap of trouble and our deficits are soaring, the Democrats are focused like a laser beam on …. Wait for […]
Dec 02 2010
DC is so damn incoherent. I mean babbling madman incoherent. Supposedly, now that the left has our nation running deficits of $1.3 trillion a year (what a normal administration could not produce in a single term, Obama does annually), we are all now supposedly focused like a laser beam on deficits. But liberal ideology is […]
Dec 01 2010
Well, we knew Obama’s egomaniac personality would be a horrible fit as leader of America. But now we are seeing how he is going to respond to the drubbing he took in November. He is going to go full steam ahead into liberal madness, beginning with stopping the flow of cheap energy to the US: […]
Dec 01 2010
This is just nuts. We are running $1.3 trillion dollar deficits each year now, thanks to out of control liberal spending, and we are supposed to bail out Europe and their bloated, socialist, cradle to grave subsidies? The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an […]