Archive for March, 2011

Mar 23 2011

Everyone Is Fleeing Naive Obama’s Illegal War

It seems the world is learning what it means to institute military action under the umbrella of the “international community”, as opposed to the tried and true American-led coalitions we have seen for the last three decades. President Obama’s naive and lazy approach to this entire debacle has underlined why some real leadership experience is […]

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Mar 22 2011

No End Justifies Unconstitutional Means

America has lost its moral compass over Libya. I watched The Factor last night (probably for the last time) and reacted in revulsion as Bill O’Reilly made the same claim all dictators and mass murderers begin with – the end justifies the means. He went on and on about the Lockerbie bombing, a terrorist act […]

33 responses so far

Mar 20 2011

Obama Adminstration: No Clue Why We Are Bombing Libya

The Sunday talk shows are meant to be the ‘world stage’ were the reigning politicians parade around their reasons and rationales for current policies. Today, the Obama administration paraded out how deeply clueless they are on Libya: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, in a series of Sunday morning television interviews, stressed that […]

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Mar 20 2011

Obama’s Manufactured War Will Rally Terrorists Against America

It seems someone in the White House thought it might be a good political move to start a war against an evil enemy to shore up Obama’s image. An image which is in tatters due to his screwing up the economy and sending the nation spiraling into endless debt. And image being eroded due to […]

8 responses so far

Mar 18 2011

UN & President Declare War On Libya, Hide Behind Too Slick Verbage

What I really despise to transparent lies. While I would very much like to see Qaddafi out of power, if the UN is planning on taking out military targets in Libya then it should stop pretending and just declare war. This crap about a ‘no-fly’ and ‘no-drive’ zone being imposed through targeted bombing is a […]

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Mar 16 2011

Incompetent In Chief

I am, like a rapidly growing number of Americans, horrified by how incompetent and crass our young President is looking in the face of the historic natural tragedies unfolding in Japan. His first press conference on the matter this past weekend was terrible. He spent a few brief minutes spewing canned ‘concerns’ and then spent […]

10 responses so far

Mar 13 2011

Democrats Distilling Down To Anti-Democracy Anarchist

Published by under All General Discussions

You can never predict what will be left at the core of a once broad movement when it comes to the ends of its run, but the Democrat party is demonstrating how history (and probably God) maintains a core of irony as it weaves out fate. We have seen since their last (and probably final) […]

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Mar 11 2011

Prayers To The Victims

Published by under All General Discussions

Click on the image above to go to the New York Times story on the devastation in Japan. What we are seeing today is the truly awesome force of nature – a force we are regularly humbled by. I am truly impressed with the fact that the Tokyo skyscrapers are pretty much undamaged. This has […]

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Mar 06 2011

Idiotic Media Tricks

Published by under All General Discussions

What moron thought this was a good idea: Britain is to send teams of spies and diplomats into Libya to help oust Colonel Gaddafi, it emerged last night. MI6 operatives backed by the SAS are to land in the east around the key rebel stronghold of Benghazi ‘within days’. In addition, 600 soldiers of the […]

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Mar 06 2011

Unions “Bargaining” With A Sea Of Angry Voters

Published by under All General Discussions

So are the unions ‘winning’ when polls come out that indicate they should keep the right to bargain AND polls come out showing we need to cut jobs and costs in government? LOL! Not if your bargaining with a sea of angry voters who tossed the big spending left out of Congress last November. While […]

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