Archive for April 12th, 2011

Apr 12 2011

A Rush To Gullibility

Published by under All General Discussions

It seems Rush Limbaugh has taken the bait in a bit of liberal media spin designed to sugar coat the budget deal reached this week for the closing 6 months of GFY 11 (which ends Oct 1, 2011). Apparently the usually sharp Limbaugh fell for some misinformation meant to convince the left they weren’t really […]

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Apr 12 2011


Published by under All General Discussions

President Obama is going to make a lame attempt to grab the leadership role in this country by producing another, radically different GFY 12 budget than the he produced a few short weeks ago. Back then President Obama was very tentative and pushed the hard cuts past the next election cycle. He proposed $1.1 Trillion […]

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