Archive for April 14th, 2011

Apr 14 2011

Rush To Gullibility Part 2

Published by under All General Discussions

OK, time to separate conservative commentators into the ignorant class and those savvy and honest about cutting the federal budget. As I noted the other day, poor Rush Limbaugh got completely hoodwinked by a piece of liberal media disinformation, and went off on an erroneous tear about how bad the current budget deal is that […]

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Apr 14 2011


Published by under All General Discussions

Yesterday’s speech by our Follower-in-Chief on the budget was a disaster. If he wanted to establish his 2012 campaign, he basically torpedoed it. He is well on the way to becoming a one term President like Jimmy Carter – one the country barely survived economically. He was not enlightening or optimistic. He kept babbling on […]

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