Archive for May 1st, 2011

May 01 2011


Final Update: Watched the President’s speech and I give it B-. It was rambling and sappy at times. It lost focus as the success of tonight was diluted with grand talk of equality. It was so syrupy in places I almost felt sorry for the teleprompter. And when the President wandered into the “I” did […]

27 responses so far

May 01 2011

Left Wing Hypocrisy On Gas Prices

Published by under All General Discussions

This “report” was sent to me by a friend and it skillfully exposes the hypocrisy of the left in this nation on all topics, but on high gas prices especially. What this budding conservative star has produced should be shown from here to November 2012. For a 4 minute video report, it is impressively concise […]

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