Archive for October, 2013

Oct 30 2013 10 Lbs Of “Stuff” In A 3 Year Schedule

I have been doing more research on the programmatic and technical management of the program, and have identified the main reasons ObamaCare’s roll out was such a disaster. Bottom Line: Too much scope in too short a time. And the root cause of that was government taking on more than it knew how to […]

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Oct 25 2013

ObamaCare: A Big-Gov Botch-Job Of Epic Proportions

The Congressional hearings yesterday went as usual – lot of hot air, lot of politicians posturing and nothing new. Truth be told, the industry leaders who worked pieces of ObamaCare were 100% right and forthcoming when they testified. They do NOT deserve blame for this fiasco. This mess is ALL on the government organization responsible […]

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Oct 24 2013

ObamaCare Website Going To Need Major Surgery

Published by under All General Discussions

Apparently the Administration’s BS blitz over the last 33 weeks is as successful as the ObamaCare roll out itself – in that it is not working. More and more Democrats are breaking ranks and calling for a delay in aspects of the individual mandate. And the same group of amateurs that brought us the failed […]

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Oct 23 2013

House Democrats Freak Out Over Status Briefing

Published by under Obamacare

Want to know how bad the ObamaCare website is doing? After House Democrats got a special insight briefing from the administration on the situation, the House Dems promptly freaked out! “It’s screwed up,” Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) said, summing up the whole situation. … House Democrats raised several concerns with Cohen, including whether the personal […]

4 responses so far

Oct 22 2013

Survey Says! To Launch ObamaCare Death Spiral

Published by under Obamacare

Apparently the disastrous launch of Obamacare, via the Big-Gov Botch-Job that is, has left an impression on the American public. A very bad impression: Just 12% of people questioned in a CBS News poll released Tuesday say they think the process is going well, with nearly half saying it’s not going well and nearly […]

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Oct 22 2013 Was Doomed To Fail, Could Not Handle “Few Hundred” Applicants

Published by under Obamacare

Update: Ed Morrissey calls BS on Obama and his lame excuses: The story proves that the White House has spun a false narrative about the failures, an abjectly political spin that wants to take credit for demand on a site they made mandatory for tax compliance.  The failures exist even under the lightest traffic, which […]

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Oct 21 2013

Obama Panics, Throws Bodies At Obamacare Disaster

Published by under Obamacare

There is a rule of thumb in SW projects, which becomes a scientific law of physics when it is applied to large SW projects for the government. President Obama is about to repeat a huge mistake made by HHS/CMS on the Obamacare Website leading up to its disastrous debut. Obama is going to throw a […]

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Oct 17 2013 A Huge Gov-Run Botch-Job

Major Update At The End In my last post I assessed the technical challenges and issues with the launch of Obamacare. In that post I presented the clear signs of a government program technically in over their heads. I pointed to this chart of the core information traffic cop (the Federal Services Data Hub) as […]

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Oct 16 2013

Anatomy Of A Government FUBAR – ObamaCare Style

Buckle up Ladies and Gents – this is going to be a long post. I have been scouring the internet for clues to the ObamaCare debacle to see if I can figure out how bad it is, and how long it will take to fix. This is basically what I do in my day job. […]

37 responses so far

Oct 16 2013

House GOP Needs To Pass Senate Compromise, So They Can Fight Again In 2014

So, would the House GOP be surrendering today if they vote to support the Senate plan to extend the Debt Limit to Feb 2014 and funding until Jan 2014? No, they would not. They would be living to fight another day AND be in a good spot to attack ObamaCare’s individual mandate. Because weeks more […]

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