Archive for October 22nd, 2013

Oct 22 2013

Survey Says! To Launch ObamaCare Death Spiral

Published by under Obamacare

Apparently the disastrous launch of Obamacare, via the Big-Gov Botch-Job that is, has left an impression on the American public. A very bad impression: Just 12% of people questioned in a CBS News poll released Tuesday say they think the process is going well, with nearly half saying it’s not going well and nearly […]

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Oct 22 2013 Was Doomed To Fail, Could Not Handle “Few Hundred” Applicants

Published by under Obamacare

Update: Ed Morrissey calls BS on Obama and his lame excuses: The story proves that the White House has spun a false narrative about the failures, an abjectly political spin that wants to take credit for demand on a site they made mandatory for tax compliance.  The failures exist even under the lightest traffic, which […]

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