Tag Archive '2008 Elections'

Oct 31 2008

Polling Trick Or Treat

Sorry for the dearth of posts, but have to earn the rent. Some wild data out today. Many polls are drifting back to Obama slightly (more on this later in the Nightly Bi-Poller). But here are some interesting nuggets until we get there. Governor Rendell admits Obama is possibly in a statistical tie with McCain […]

2 responses so far

Aug 29 2008

Battle For America’s Cajones

The Strata family has a way to end this ridiculous debate about who has the mettle to be leader of the free world. We want to see a competition in (1) Caribou hunting, (2) Riflery at 100 meters, (3) Mooseburger eating, (4) 1500 km snow machine race and the final round will be be fishing […]

24 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

Sweet Victory In Iraq Will Derail The ’08 Democrat Juggernaut

Which force in America is bigger, broader and more powerful: Victory or Defeat? We shall learn the answer in this year’s national elections. The Democrat Party has had a running dialogue with America for years now about how we are such losers for trying to change humanity’s trajectory, why we cannot destroy the building hate […]

9 responses so far