Tag Archive '2010 Elections'

Aug 08 2010

The Inflated Polls Of August

Update: It seems the Washington Post is seeing the same change in the public mood that I outlined below, and came to the same basic conclusion: But when the shouting dies down, it becomes possible to hear something else, something Democrats know is an even greater threat to them this fall. With polls consistently showing […]

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Jul 30 2010

Citizens Target Fat Cat Bureaucrats

Option title: Greed & Graft at the Public Trough. I found the above image on a UK blog (click through to read) commenting on the number of UK bureaucrats making more than the Prime Minister. The numbers are all embarrassingly low compared to the $800,000 a year one city manager was making in a poor […]

3 responses so far

Jul 29 2010

“Remember Arizona!”

In World War II the rallying cry was “Remember the Arizona”- to recall the attack on Pearl Harbor and unite in fighting for the survival of the nation and its unique constitutional form of government. It is ironic how the cycle of human history can evolve around something so innocuous as a name. In 2010, […]

20 responses so far

Jul 27 2010

Decades Of Economic Hell – Thanks To DC Democrats

The CBO has come out with a bleak report on the nation’s economic future. The headliner is how badly Obamacare bends the cost curve – up! CBO projects that if current laws do not change, federal spending on major mandatory health care programs will grow from roughly 5 percent of GDP today to about 10 […]

11 responses so far

Jul 23 2010

75% Of Americans Reject Liberal/Progressive Economic Policies

Can government save or fix the economy? Or do the busy-bodies in DC do more harm than good? Folks, that is the primary question for this year’s election, and of the decade to come. Democrats have been on a mad, far-left spending spree for two years now, one which is threatening to bankrupt generations to […]

14 responses so far

Jul 23 2010

Alarm Bells Ring In 40 Democrat House Seats, Veil Of Denial Ripped Away

(Select the image to review some of Baghdad Bob’s classic claims) Despite all the delusional and misleading denials by DC Democrats regarding their chances this coming election (especially that schtick by “Beltway Biden” this last week on ABC News), the reality of the Democrats’ situations is clear when you focus on where they are spending […]

20 responses so far

Jul 22 2010

You Can’t Manufacture Credibility & Respect

The democrat party, as a whole, is learning a harsh lesson these days. Where they naively thought success was measured by the amount of crap produced, they are now learning that the quality or success of their labors is the greater measure by far. If they could do one thing well they would be on […]

28 responses so far

Jul 21 2010

The Anti-Liberal Tsunami Heading For The November Elections

Each district and state has a unique demographic makeup. That is why Massachusetts has been  one of the bluest (Dem) states in federal office elections, Texas has been one of the reddest (GOP) and Virginia (my home state) has been trending from red-purple to blue-purple. At least until 2009 when everything changed, and changed big. […]

9 responses so far

Jul 19 2010

When Denial And Propaganda Fail – Reality Strikes!

I have been saying since the NJ & VA blow out elections for governor in 2009 the Dems were in deep trouble for 2010. In fact, I predicted that the parameters of the stimulus bill rushed through congress in February 2009 would be the foundation of dramatic democratic failures in 2010. Here is what I […]

10 responses so far

Jul 15 2010

Politico Makes The Case For Dismantling The Federal Beast

Published by under 2010 Elections

Busy bodies live to run other people’s lives. They live to pretend their nitpicking nags about how we do things makes them somehow related to those things we accomplish. The talking head journalist is the epitome of ‘the watcher’ versus ‘the doer’.  These people regurgitate to others the successes or achievements of others, most times […]

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