Tag Archive 'al-Qaeda'

Jul 14 2008

Victory In Iraq

While others have been hesitant to call Iraq a victory up until recently, I felt the die was cast months ago (actually over a year ago). When the Sunni Muslims took the extraordinary step to wage war on al-Qaeda, and ally with the Iraq and US government efforts and forces, there seemed little chance of […]

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Jul 13 2008

Insurgents Try To Stoke War Between Afghanistan And Pakistan

Updated! Bill Roggio has an updated report on a recent border incident (I believe it is this one) that clearly shows how the Taliban and al-Qaeda are trying to start a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan:

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Jul 11 2008

Scoping Out Targets In Pakistan’s Tribal Region

In an update to a post I did yesterday on what appears to be a ramping up of operations targeted at the Islamist extremists in the Pakistan Tribal region there are today reports of increased Predator and UAV operations in the area: Pilotless U.S. drones armed with missiles have stepped up patrols over Pashtun villages […]

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Jul 10 2008

Battle Brewing In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

It seems both sides are gearing up for a Battle Royale in the lawless tribal regions of Pakistan which border Afghanistan and have been the launching pad for attacks into Afghanistan by the remnants of al-Qaeda and their Taliban cousins. First we see signs of al-Qaeda fighters fleeing Iraq and heading to the Pakistan tribal […]

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Jul 08 2008

Taliban Infighting Shows Sign Of Pakistan Awakening And Problems For Islamo Fascists

In Iraq the turning point came when Sunni Muslims, fed up and repulsed by their people being massacred by the Islamo Fascists of al-Qaeda, literally turned on their one-time al-Qaeda allies and began to purge their country of this cancer. President Bush and General Petraeus intelligently took advantage of this sea change in allegiance and […]

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Jul 06 2008

al-Qaeda Surrenders In Libya

al-Qaeda has been defeated in Iraq and Lebanon. They failed to make a serious presence in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. They and their Taliban cousins have been expunged from 75% of Afghanistan. al-Qaeda has been pushed into its final, small sanctuary inside the tribal areas of Pakistan where it is surrounded by 100,000 Pakistani […]

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Jul 06 2008

The End Of al-Qaeda In Iraq

Iraq did what we wanted it to do. When we invaded Iraq we did many things (removed a dictator who had ties to al-Qaeda and preposition arms in embassies across Europe to arm al-Qaeda sleeper cells for one), but one of the most important goals of the invasion was to divert al-Qaeda’s attention. Liberal Surrendercrats […]

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Jul 02 2008

US Special Forces In Pakistan – For Months Now

The International Herald Tribune (IHT) ran a reasonable article (for them) recently on the al-Qaeda and Taliban forces who retreated from Afghanistan into the Pakistan area and efforts over the years to deal with them. I want to take some key information from that article to lay out the case that we are seeing the […]

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Jun 30 2008

OMG, Liberal Media Realizes Obama Is Wrong On Iraq!

This New Yorker article on Iraq and Obama’s idiotic plans to surrender to al-Qaeda there, despite all our hard won successes, is just stunning. First, it recognizes the work that made the sea change in Iraq possible – though in typical liberal faction it credits ‘luck’ instead of determination to win, and the sacrifices made […]

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Jun 29 2008

Taliban Destroy Delusions Of “Negotiated Peace” Inside Pakistan Government

Today we see one of the best examples of the maxim: “Watch what you wish for, you just might get it”. It has to be the best example I have seen in quite a while. What is really interesting about the example is how it parallels the US elections in 2006 and 2008 on the […]

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