Tag Archive 'al-Qaeda'

Jun 28 2008

Democrat Hopes al-Qaeda Could Kill Administration Official?

Published by under All General Discussions

A liberal Surrendercrat has crossed the line by expressing delight that al-Qaeda had been made aware a Bush administration official’s identity, clearly expressing joy at the idea the US official could be a target of an al-Qaeda attack: During a contentious House hearing on harsh interrogation techniques for terror suspects Thursday, Rep. Bill Delahunt, D-Massachusetts, […]

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Jun 27 2008

Major Activities In Pakistan And Afghanistan

  I’m going to limit the excerpting here because the amount of information in all the news reports coming out, but it looks like the militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan have gone too far even for the new Pak government. These reports span events happening over the last week and show things coming […]

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Jun 25 2008

In 1999, Saddam Linked To Al Qaeda

One of our readers (Vince1974) reminded us of this January 1999 ABC News special on the ties between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda posted last year on Powerline. When a liberal claims there never was any evidence of a connection between Saddam and al-Qaeda (like coordinating attacks in 2002 with AQ number 2 Ayman Zawahiri) don’t […]

9 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

al-Qaeda’s Zawahiri And Saddam Hussein Were Planning Attacks After 9-11

The SurrenderMedia recently misreported (there’s a surprise) that Saddam Hussein had no ties to al-Qaeda, when in fact the report the SurrenderMedia was trying to cover said just the opposite. As I noted at the time the analysis showed Saddam Hussein had long time ties with Ayman Zawahiri, who at the time ran the Egyptian […]

22 responses so far

Jun 19 2008

Does Obama Have A Clue About Anything?

Obama is really the epitome of the empty-suit suite.  I sometimes think he is so vacuous you can here a sucking sound when you meet him in person. Even more disturbing is the fact that Obama (and his Obamabots) are so blissfully unaware of his state of utter emptiness.   Case in point this week […]

27 responses so far

Jun 18 2008

al-Qaeda All But Destroyed Globally?

I found an interesting article that tries to claim are success in destroying al-Qaeda has given rise to a new danger. Personally I find this line of reasoning ridiculous. It is the old tall poles challenge. When you attack the tall poles and remove these obstacles barring success to a challenge, you still face the […]

8 responses so far

Jun 17 2008

Things Are Heating Up In Afghanistan And Pakistan, Our Enemy’s Last Gasp?

It has long been my contention the last military battle of this War on Terror might happen in the lawless region of the tribal areas of Pakistan, from where Taliban and al-Qaeda militants are raiding the southern regions of Afghanistan.  The number of border incidents have been increasing, culminating in the battle which began in […]

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